Chapter 14: Mori

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At this moment you really needed each other, he needed you and you needed him. Standing there in a hug, you were both thinking only about the one thing— that you wanted to remember this moment. For as long as possible.


In the morning, you woke up next to Akutagawa staring at you. You rubbed your eyes and leaned on your elbow.

"Good morning."

"Hi," you greeted him, and gave him a small smile. "Are you feeling better?" he suddenly asked you. The question surprised you, you didn't think he would care. Your mind immediately went back to yesterday's incident with the hug. Your body was immediately flooded with the pleasant shiver again. Now, when you thought back to the hug, you wanted to hug him again.

"Yeah...I do. Thanks for yesterday," nervously, you answered. Akutagawa's mind returned to yesterday's hug, he put his hand over his heart. It was racing again. "Are you okay?" you asked as you noticed him put his hand on his chest.  "Uhm..." suddenly this question was so hard for him to answer. You sat closer to him and put your hand on his chest, wondering at how fast his heart was beating. But he suddenly pushed you away.

"Oh...I am sorry. I'm going to take a shower," you took your stuff, but as you walked to the door, Akutagawa stood up from the bed and blocked your way to them with his arm. He leaned down to your lips, his eyes examining your body and clothes. "Did I do something wrong?" you asked because his behavior towards you has been really strange lately. 

Akutagawa just bit his lip, looking at your bare shoulder, revealed thanks to your oversized T-Shirt. He swallowed, but eventually let you go. He couldn't understand this feeling but somehow he was just attracted to you. Everytime he was close to you weird things always were coming to his mind.

As you locked yourself in the bathroom, he took off his T-Shirt and put on his dress shirt, then another pair of black trousers. Also, he didn't forget about his black coat.


After about twenty minutes you got out of the shower, finding out that Akutagawa was no longer in the bedroom. Drying your hair with a towel, you opened the bedroom door and peeked out, but the whole apartment was immersed in silence. You started thinking about how someone could just disappear from the apartment so quickly. 

'Tch. At least he could have left me a note where he was going.'

You began thinking about what you could do, but couldn't find any solo activity that wouldn't be boring without company. You couldn't go out alone, and you didn't want Akutagawa to get angry with you again, because that would happen if you went by yourself. Even though things weren't perfect between you even now, it was still better than when you were ignoring each other. You lied down on the bed staring at the ceiling when suddenly you heard the door slam and then Akutagawa entered the bedroom.

"Huh? Where have you been? I was bored," you started complaining to him but he only shrugged it off. He didn't want to tell you about meeting with Mori because he didn't want you to stress. Actually, the thing was that Mori wanted to meet you but Akutagawa was completely against it and they had a little argument.

'But still, one day you'll have to meet him anyway.'

"I had a meeting. With Boss. He also wants to meet you. Today."


You immediately froze. You didn't think this day would ever come. Besides, you really didn't have the slightest intention of wanting to talk or even meet with the boss of the Mafia. But for some reason you just knew that you had no choice.  Even though you hated that man more than you had ever hated anyone, today you will be forced to breathe the same air as him in the same room.

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