Chapter 28: Chuuya knows

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"Damn, I love you," you heard him whispering into a kiss. You smiled a little to yourself. His words brought a warmth and comfort inside your body.

"I love you too, idiot."

"Shut up."


You sighed as you finished dusting in the whole apartment. Back of your hand wiped away sweat from your forehead and you flopped onto a couch. This morning you got a text from Chuuya that this afternoon he is coming back, so you decided to please him a little with tidying up the whole place. Besides, you live with him without paying him a rent so this is only a minimum of what you could do for him.

Your mind came back to the incident from two days ago. Still it was strange to you that you and Akutagawa are together but you knew you two won't be an ordinary couple. It will be harder then it seems with him, because you really had no idea what type of person in a relationship he could be and you needed to figure it out. Although you were 100% sure he is not romantic.

You haven't met him yesterday, Higuchi told you that he went out on a mission. You haven't tried to text him, why would you? Still, you needed to think about it and you were kinda glad that you had a day for yourself. But even though you didn't want to admit it, you kinda missed him.

You inhaled some oxygen and again forced yourself to get up. You needed to vacuum the apartment. You started looking for a vacuum cleaner but you couldn't find any. Your brows furrowed. Chuuya doesn't tidy up? Weird. But then you finally found it, it was under his bed. You pulled the thing out but as you were about to turn it on, your phone vibrated.

You rolled your eyes, ready to reply to another of Chuuya's texts, but as you check the messages, you found out that the text is from Akutagawa. You swallowed and read it.

Hey. Do you want to come over? I miss you.

You stared in shock on the last sentence he texted you. You would never thought that Akutagawa would ever tell you something like this.

Hey, sorry but I can't. Maybe later :(

Answer arrived in like five seconds. You chuckled. He really is weirdo.

Ouch. I hope you have a good reason for this.

Tidying up and cleaning ;)

Huh? So cleaning is better than me? I am offended right now.

No, I swear as soon as I am finished I'll come over. Okay?

It still hurts. Bye.

You blinked twice. He acts like a child. You placed your phone on the night stand in your room and turned on the vacuum cleaner. You hated it's sound, you always had a headache while using it, but you wanted to be useful to Chuuya. In like twenty minutes, you were done. You placed everything on it's place and leaned your back against the wall, exhausted.

"Gosh who would ever thought that this apartment is so big when you decide to tidy it up," you went to the bathroom where you started changing your cleaning clothes into your normal ones. You were almost finished, only a shirt was left, when suddenly you heard knocking on the door. "Coming! Give me second!" quickly, you finished buttoning up your shirt and hurried to the door, thinking about who could it be. Chuuya wouldn't knock. He has keys. Besides, he's gonna be back only in afternoon. Well he would knock only in case he forgot them in New York. And he would be yelling. So it couldn't be him. No one else came to your mind.

You quickly unlocked the door and opened them but your eyes widened im shock as you saw Akutagawa. "H-h-hey, what are you..." you were interrupted when Akutagawa pulled you into a kiss. He shut the door and pressed you against the wall. "Hey," he whispered into a kiss. It was passionate and gentle at the same time. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him even closer to you, this way you made kiss last longer.

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