Central Intelligence Agency

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It was the next day. You had just woken up with a mild headache, confused and with barely any knowledge as to what happened last night. You look down to see you're missing your shirt and pants, and looking next to you is Sky, cuddling you like all the other days. Looking around, you see multiple empty bottle of alcohol, scattered all around the floor. You get an idea as to what could have happened last night, but looking at Sk, you get a clearer answer

"Is...Is she naked?" You think to yourself

Just then, Sky wakes up, a smile grown upon looking at you

"Good morning my sweet" Sky whispers to you, a seductive expression on her visor

"Uh, heh, morning" You respond

"I had an amazing time last night." Sky says. You get confused upon hearing this. Did you do what you really think you did?

"Oh yeah, last night, heh...." You say, nervously "What, did we do last night?"

"Oh Y/N, stop acting dumb, you remember" Sky said

"I know, but could you tell me again? My head hurts a bit" You say

"Well, in short, I didn't know your sausage could get that big~" Sky says, slowly rubbing your chest with her paw

You knew what you guys did at this point, and looking around, you know why it happened

"Well, I'm going downstairs to...uhm...make breakfast! Yes!" You say, quickly getting out of bed and downstairs, remembering you don't have anything but your underwear on. You walk back in the room and put some clothes on, walking back out.

You quickly rush to the kitchen as Sky follows behind you, going to the fridge and opening it, and making it seem like you're looking for food, which you were, kinda. You just wanted to avoid Sky

As you close the fridge, you quickly make your way around the house, as if you're trying to find something, but Sky stays close behind you, questioning you about it

"Y/N, what's going on? Where are you going?" She asks, and you stop and look back at her. You let out a sigh and ask her

"Sky, did we have sex last night?"

"Y-Yes?' She responds, putting you in a state of shock

"No...No! We couldn't of had! No!" You yell, quickly back downstairs

"Y/N, I'm sorry but you wanted it!" Sky says, making you freeze once more

You wanted to have sex with her? That must have been why you couldn't remember anything! You were drunk and wanted to have sex with her! Ew man, you're disgusting

"Did I?" You ask

"Yes" Sky responds

You slowly walk to the couch, sitting down on it and letting out a sigh. Sky sits next to you and nuzzles your cheek, trying to comfort you

"I know you didn't want it, but it wasn't your fault" Sky whispers into your ear

"I know, neither was it yours" You say

"Can we still stay as, friends?" Sky asks, and looking at her you respond

"Of course" You kiss her again, wrapping your arms around her shoulders, Sky doing the same. Just when things were beginning to get 'intense', you hear a knock at your door. You both disconnect as you walk to the door, opening it and seeing two men in suits and wearing dark sunglasses

You get confused upon seeing this, but one of the men says

"CIA, we need you and your Protogen to come with us" His voice sounded deep, being very serious as well

Love a Machine - A Protogen X Male Reader BookWhere stories live. Discover now