The Raid

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As you all prepared yourselves for the attack, Don and Sammy trying different guns, Chloe and Sky talking to each other, Mike and Cyber putting on their armor, you sat on a chair alone, sharpening your knife and looking the others having a good time, while you sat, alone. You saw Firefly walk up to you, sitting right by you

"Hey bud, what's happening?" He asked you

"Will this really stop M.A.D? Will you really claim the city as yours when this is all over? Will I get to go home?" You asked

"Yes, most of that. You will get to go home, and we will stop M.A.D, but we're no monsters. We don't have an attraction to human blood, we don't feed on their flesh, they feed on ours. They force us to watch our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, die in a burning fire. We need to end that" Firefly explained

"Yeah but, destroying a city, putting thousands of lives at risk? Think about it" You said

"They'd kill us in a heartbeat if they wanted to, we can't let that happen. We came in peace, but they thought war. We want to go home, but their prisons are our new home. If you were us you'd understand" 

Firefly stood back up and walked away. You watched him go farther and farther, soon letting out a sigh and looking back at your knife, putting it in a small bag on your chest and standing up, headed to the team


As a large crowd gathered back to the are where the protest was, you saw a large truck drive slowly to the front of the angry crowd, with explosives filled to the brim on the back. You went over to it and saw that Crimson was driving the truck, soon getting nervous for him

"Crimson, the hell are you doing?" You asked him

"This is the only way to enter" He responded

"By blowing up the wall?"

"It's the only way Y/N, you can't change that anymore than anyone else could" Crimson last said to me before opening the sunroof and climbing out of it, his army cheering to see their master

"People of Ol' Town! I am your master, who most of you know as Crimson! We've been fighting in a secret war that nobody in the world but us knows, because they are hiding the truth!"

His crowd cheers louder for a few seconds, then silences

"They know us as Heretics! Demons! Well I say that they are the true demons for drowning the truth in their pool of lies!"

The crowd cheers again

"So today, let's show who the true heretics are! Who the real demons are! Let's show them who the Protogens really are!"

The crowd cheered as Crimson sat in the driver seat, hitting the gas on the truck and driving directly to the wall, his army following. He drove at full speed as he closed his eyes seconds before coming in contact with the wall, a massive explosion rocking the entire city, blowing up a massive hole in the wall.

The army ran for the city, using the entrance Crimson had made to enter the city. You and the others followed along as you all stormed the city, headed straight for the headquarters, blowing up anything in sight. Soon after, you saw the hypnotized Protogens head over to you, this time with jetpacks

"Shit! Antigens!" A man yelled as the Antigens fired their laser weapons to the crowd, but the crowd was well prepared for an event like this, having heavy weapons like mini guns with them. The flying Antigens were taken down like birds in the sky as the army proceeded, coming to a large squadron of Antigens with shields and guns in hand

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