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The prison halls were dark, dimly lit by the small lights hanging from the ceiling. Two cops, one of them being a rookie walked through these halls, taking a good look at the inmates in their cells

"Now since it's your first day here, it's best I show you around, get you accommodated with what's going on here" The cop said

"It's a prison, what's there to learn? Even a citizen knows the same as we do" The rookie cop replied

"A prison has a lot more than meets the eye. There many things that keep this prison running and many protocols to follow. Slip up once and it could cause a disaster" The cop said

"Like what? A jailbreak?" The rookie asked

"Yes actually, how'd you know?"

"I watch a lot of cop shows" The rookie replied

As the duo made their way through the halls, more and more prisoners were shown, seeming to be more tougher the deeper they went. The rookie made this observation

"These guys look, pretty tough" The rookie said

"Yeah tell me about it. We keep our more "prestige" inmates deeper in this here prison" The cop said

"No wonder" The rookie said

Deeper and deeper the two went, coming to more and more inmates, when something caught the rookies eye that caused him to stop in front of a particular cell

"Who the hell is that?" He asked

As he looked closer at the person in the cell, it was revealed that this was no human, but a creature the humans had referred to as a "Protogen". It's fur was black with purple marking on its ears, legs and arms. A very dark grey visor ring was placed on it, with a dark visor with purple lights to symbolize its face, showing its eyes were closed. It's tail swayed back and forth, being a dark purple on the bottom, with an even darker purple on the top. It's sat on the bed as it sat perfectly still, not moving a muscle, but moving his fingers around, almost as if he were thumb warring himself.

"That, is a Protogen. We call him A-5RA1L, or, Azrail" The cop replied

"So what did he do?" The rookie asked

"War crimes, acts of terrorism. You know, in my opinion, this dude should be sent to a more secure prison, but I guess they just put him here" The cop replied

The Protogen raised his head, putting some visual concern on the officers. Finally, the Protogen spoke in a deep voice

"I, will find her. And I will, kill her"

Love a Machine - A Protogen X Male Reader BookWhere stories live. Discover now