What's wrong with calling you baby, baby?

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Three kids. The oldest, gets everything new, gets to do everything first, and gets to choose everything. The youngest, gets all the attention, gets everything they want, and is always the one the parents believe in every situation. Then there is the middle kid. The one that gets the hand-me-downs, the one that hardly gets any attention. That's me.

Hi, I'm Ebony Ivy Green. Yes, that's my real name, please just let it go. If I had any control of it, it wouldn't be my name. Unfortunately we don't get to choose our names and we're stuck with them until we are 18, or if you parents are willing to sign a stupid paper saying you can change it.

Anyway, like I said, I'm Ebony. I'm 17 years old. I have an older sister, Sarah (she got a completely normal name), who is apparently perfect. I also have a younger brother, Josh (another normal name), who everyone just absolutely adores. I have green eyes and straight brown hair. I'm also, if you haven't been listening, the middle child.

I ran on to the porch. I think about that every single day while I run. It's what I would write in a letter to someone. I would write more, but I always get home before I can continue.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down beside of Sarah.

"Gross! You're all sweaty." She said, jumping up from her seat.

I rolled my eyes. "You would think by the time you hit 18 years old, you would stop being afraid of perspiration."

"I'm not afraid of it, I just don't like it when you sit down next to me and you stink."

"She stinks even when she's isn't sweating." Josh said as he walked in.

I hit him playfully. Josh wasn't a huge problem for me. It was usually Sarah. Josh was my little brother, so I was mostly protective over him. He's starting to act a little playerish. I really don't want my little brother messing around with a bunch of sluts.

"Really Eb, you stink. Go take a shower." He said.

"I'm going. Don't eat all the food." I told him, before running to the bathroom.

"Slow down Ebony sweetie." My mom said.

"I can't! Josh is going to eat everything."

She sighed and continued to do what ever she was doing, while I ran into the bathroom.


I went back in the kitchen after my shower completely unnoticed. That's how it usually is. I could probably walk around this house naked and they wouldn't say anything unless I said something first. The only time I get noticed when I walk into a room is if there is only one person in the room. Sad right? Well not really anymore. I've gotten used to it.

I grabbed a piece of toast from Josh's plate.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"You have four other pieces. I think you will live." I told the little pig.

I decided to go outside since there was no one in there I really wanted to talk to, and the apparently they didn't want to talk to me either.

I went to the pool and stuck my legs in. I love summer.

"Hey sexy." Said a voice that made me wish I were invisible.

"Go. Away. Tyler." I said slowly.

"Oh come on. I just got here."

"And you aren't wanted. So leave." I said, giving him a fake smile.

"When are you going to realize you want me?" Tyler asked.

So here's the truth. If Tyler was a mute, then maybe I would want him. He's so hot, with his tan toned skin and his shaggy brown hair, and ocean blue eyes. So if someone were just judging on looks, he's perfect. Then he has to go and open his stupid mouth.

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