I guess this is why you moved me.

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No! Please tell me this isn't happening. I knew Tyler was looking at me, but I couldn't look away from Bently. He looked so freaking hurt!

"I guess this is why you moved me." Adam said, breaking this really awkward silence.

We all looked at him. He was clueless, but so cute. This was all funny to him. I wish I could laugh with him right now, but I just felt like crying for the rest of my life.

"Is it too early to make jokes about this?" Adam asked, looking at Bently.

Bently nodded, not looking away from me and Tyler. "Um...you two should probably get up. We can go do something after you get ready."

"Bently." I whispered.

He shook his head and walked out of the room. I felt the tears in my eyes start streaming down my face. This can't be ending before it's even started.

"Ebony." Tyler said.

I glared at him. Why was even still here? "Don't talk to me." I told him harshly.

"Eb, I'm sorry."

"I don't care if your sorry! I don't want your apologies! This is all your fault! Why can't you just let me be happy? Why can't you let Bently be happy for once? Why do you have to keep trying to ruin everything for him? You always start shit with him and I'm sick of it! Just mind your own business!" I  had run out of air buy the time I finished. Tyler's face was a mix between anger and pain.

"Do you think he's any better than me?" His voice was calm and didn't match his expression at all, "do you think he's not going to hurt you? When you look at him, you see this saint like person, but really he's a player, that uses girls until he's gotten what he wants from them. Do you know what that is? Sex. That's all he wants from you, and every other girl. If you want to keep him, then I suggest you never sleep with him, because as soon as you do, you'll be thrown away like a piece of trash."

I shook my head. "You are so stupid! That's not who he is! Did you see his face when he saw us? Did you see all the pain?"

"It's an act Ebony! He's good at that! He has to be! If he wasn't, you wouldn't run back to him. He doesn't care about you."

"Just shut up! You don't know anything! He's not a jerk, you are. You're stupid, selfish, jerk, that is obviously jealous because your brother is ten times the person you will ever be! I can't stand you!"

"Let me guess. Just my presence pisses you off?" He asked.

I guess Bently told him what I said last night. "Yes! So why don't you just leave?!"

"Gladly. I don't want my AWESOME presence to be in the presence of some bitch anyway." He said, and walked out of the room.

I stood there frozen for about 30 seconds. Did he really just call me a bitch? I ran out into the hallway and saw him walking in the opposite direction of his room. "You're an ass Tyler James, and I hate you with a burning passion!"

"The feeling's mutual!" He shouted, not even turning around to look at me.

I stomped back in the room and slammed the door. I hope no one complains to the lobby about us. I am just so mad! Why does he have to ruin everything? Can't he just leave me alone for a while? Well maybe he will now, since we both apparently hate each other.

"Well that was interesting." Adam said from the corner.

I jumped at the sound of his voice. I had completely forgotten he was even here. "I'm glad your enjoying this." I mumbled.

"I'm not enjoying it. My brothers hate each other. You hate Tyler, and he apparently hates you. Bently is probably sulking over you being with said hated brother, and you're completely in love with him." He laughed, "I'm so glad I'm out of this loop."

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