I wish I could tell you all my secrets

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A/N: I uploaded fast! I finished this chapter last night and was so proud, so I uploaded it. Ok go read an hopefully enjoy. :)


"Do you want me to drive?" I asked Bently. He looked dead tired. I'm not really sure why he wanted to drive all night instead of stopping somewhere, but that's what we're doing.

"Would you?" He asked.

"Yeah. I took a really long nap earlier so I'm wide awake right now."

He pulled over on the side of the road and we switched seats. Adam was sleeping on the floor. Yeah it's not safe at all. I tried to tell him he could lay down on the seat, but he said he liked the floor better. It gave Bently the whole backseat though, so he was happy. Tyler was sleeping in the passengers seat. He had been for hours. If I need a break anytime tonight, he'll be the one I wake up.

"Where am I supposed to go?" I asked.

"Just keep driving straight." Bently answered.

"I don't have to get off any exits?"

"Nope, just keep going straight. I promise you won't get us off track."

I just shook my head and started driving. He's determined to keep our destination a secret from me. He won't even give me a hint. I know that Adam and Tyler know too, but they won't tell me either. I feel so out of the loop.

I drove for a good half hour before I needed entertainment. I thought about turning on the radio, but I really didn't want to wake Bently up considering he just went to sleep. I would wake up Adam up, but he's on the floor and I can't reach him. I looked over at Tyler. It's physically impossible to wake him up and keep him awake, but I'm going to try.

"Tyler." I wispered, hitting his shoulder. He didn't move. "Tyler!" I said a little louder.

"What?" He groaned.

"Wake up and talk to me. I'm bored."

He didn't say anything. He went back to sleep. IDIOT!

"Tyler. Wake up." I shook him.


"Open your eyes. Right now."

He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "What?"

"Talk to me please."

"What do you wanna talk about baby?" He asked, closing his eyes again.

I hit him. "Don't go back to sleep. Tyler the one time I'm giving you permission to say anything thing you want so I'll have a reason to talk and you won't."

He smiled and rubbed his eyes. "Ok, I'm awake." He sat his seat all the way up and looked at me. "Lets talk."

His eyes were still foggy from just waking up and his hair was a little messy. He looked like a little boy and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's funny?"

"You look cute when you wake up." I told him truthfully.

He smiled. "I look cute all the time."

"Why can't you just take a compliment without acting so full of yourself?" I asked.

"That's just who I am." He sighed.

I glanced at him. He didn't sound very happy about that. I was going to ask him, but something told me it would have been a touchy subject. So I left it alone.

"So...what did Parker want earlier?" I really wanted to know what made him act so weird.

He looked out the window. "Nothing."

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