The One With The Braids

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"Can I braid your hair?"

"What?" I looked up at Valen, confused. 
We were at school, in recess, inside the classroom. Silence filled the room. Pretty much the entire class was here, but we were all on our phones. That was, of course, until she suddenly popped that question that disrupted the whole mood.

She showed me her phone, where the picture of a braided hairstyle sat. 
I groaned, rolling my eyes. "I hate braids. I hate anything related to hair that isn't just letting it sit the way it decides."
"Come on," she insisted. I wasn't convinced. "Please," she pouted.
She was so cute. I just wanted to press her face hard enough for it to break. How could I say no to that?

She had me sit down in front of her, and she grabbed a chair. She began pulling strands of hair and doing something with them. It hurt. It hurt like a bitch. 
"Auch," I said when she yanked a lock, paining me in a way I never want to experience again. 
"Sorry," she said and proceeded to completely ignore my complaint. 
"Bitch, you just injured me," I turned around. "Are you kidding me?"
She glanced at me with a still, annoyed face. It didn't really read much, but it was a threat for sure. "Don't be such a baby," she said. 
"I hate you," I turned back around. She simply scoffed. 

Augusto walked in, and within a two seconds period, noticed us. 
"Fuck," I mumbled. 
"What's going on here?" he asked with an irritating, amused tone.
"I'm braiding her hair," Valen asserted. 
"You're what?" he inquired, aghast. 
"Yes. She's braiding my hair, and I hate it," I drew a sarcastic smile. 
"I have never seen you with a ponytail," he verbalized. 
"It's intentional," the smile appeared on my face once more. 
I sensed Valen's smile on my nape. 

"Done," she voiced.
I sighed in relief. It flowed down my entire body, all those previously tense muscles relaxing.
"Let me see," Augusto walked behind me and snickered. "This is amazing."
"Oh, my God," I grumbled. Valen giggled. The audacity.
I swear to God, if I wasn't just about in love with her, I would be grabbing her by the neck. 

They took a picture and showed it to me. "I hate you so much," I whined at Valen. 
She smiled. 
"I need to show this to Naomi," Augusto said and started walking around the room with his phone in hand, staring down at it. 

"You're gonna keep it, right?" Valen drew a darling smile. 
"You're manipulating me," I chuckled. 
"Yes," her gesture moved to a more amused one. "But you get to see me being really fucking cute, so I guess it's a win-win situation." 
I scoffed, rubbing my eye, "you're unbelievable."
"Are you?" I turned to her, not understanding her question. "Gonna keep it?" her eyes wandered mine, trying to decipher me.
She actually wanted me to. For some reason, it was clear it meant a lot to her. I sighed and modeled an honest smile. 
"Yes. But only 'cause you're really beautiful," I said, within all sincerity. She blushed, slightly, and tried to hide it. 

I kept it for two days until I had to shower. I hated every second of it, but it was for her, so I didn't care. 

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