The One With King Princess

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I'm surprised when you kiss me

"Today I have a quiz for you," the teacher said.

Everyone complained. I just smirked at my pen, fidgeting it through my fingers. "But don't worry, it's just a mock quiz for me to see where you are with philosophy," I knew it would be easy.
She handed the pages out and announced we could start. I slowly flipped mine and gave it a read:

What do you consider philosophy?
What terms/concepts are you already familiar with?
What expectations do you have for this year?

I finished it in no time and looked back up. Everyone was deep into their sheets. I stood up and walked over to the teacher's desk. I felt everyone's resentful stare on my neck, and a grin showed up on my face. I was in my zone.

She let me go downstairs. I hid in the first spot I could find and brought out a cigarette. I had only smoked some when someone shut the main door close, a few steps away. I took a step back and found a better hiding spot for myself.
Once the place seemed more calm, I sneaked a peek.  

It was just the new girl.
Damn, she was really pretty.
I came out. No pan intended. "You finished already?"
"Yeah," she replied. I gave her a doubtful look. How did she finish it so quickly? "Beginners luck, I guess," she shrugged her shoulders, but I didn't buy it. She was smart.
"Yeah, right," I let out with a sarcastic tone. 
"I'm serious," she chuckled. The look in her eyes as she laughed went by in slow motion. I seriously don't understand how a smile can shine so strong. 
"I don't buy it."
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes but that same amazing simper was drawn in her lips. 

"You want one?" I offered her a cigarette, parading the open box. 
"Uhm-" she choked. Something told me she hadn't noticed the one in my hand, or the smoke coming out of my mouth, because her face suddenly turned pale and read panic all over.
I choked. It was funny, don't blame me. "I don't smoke."
"That's okay. More for me," I popped a gentle smile. Maybe, somehow, it would calm her obvious social anxiety. I'm assuming it did, as her face muscles relaxed and a small grin showed up on her face. 
"Since when do you smoke?" she asked in a low voice, with the cutest sheepish attitude. 
"I don't know. A couple years ago?"
"That's cool."
"You think so?"
"No- I- I don't know. I've never had one."
"That's okay. If you ever want to, like, genuinely, try one; I can help. But if you don't, that's more than perfectly fine."
"Okay," her eyes dissapeared to the floor. 

"Do you mind if I put on some music?" she asked after a few minutes of silence. 
"No. Go ahead,"
I watched her pull out her phone, tap some things in it and place it down on the bench I was sitting on, right by my side. 1950 by King Princess began playing. 
I gotta say, she had great taste in music. 

The first line played, I hate it when dudes try to chase me, and she closed her eyes, shuting the world around her.
But I love it when you try to save me, she raised her arms in the air and tackled this slow, hip-centered dance. Her shirt lifted and a bit of delicate, captivating skin showed. I couldn't breathe, so I took a hit of my cigarette. 
So tell me why my Gods look like you, she run her hands through her hair. Her long, satin smooth hair. And it flowed down her face as she held it, creating the perfect image.
And as it began falling down her shoulders, I felt my body come to life. 

I laid back and let the view delight me as I smoked.
She was perfection; so involved in her own world, looking the most beautiful and pure someone can.

Who was she? I knew nothing about this girl, but I still felt this connection. A strong, magical, inexplicable connection.
She seemed so innocent and pure, but there was something about it. There was more to her. I wanted to know her. Really know her.
Know what makes her cry, and what makes her smile.
Find out why she chose this song out of all the ones in her playlist, and when she learned to dance like that. Why she was so shy, and what it was she was keeping from me.

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