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Then jennie stood up and gone to felix .

( felix is the heart rob of the school and jennie's ex boyfriend but now thay are only friends . felix is very handsome and playboy he only users girls for pleasure only . he is 18 years old and studies in 12 standerd he is 1 year younger that other student in his class becouse he got failed one time . every girl wants to become his girlfriend and want to slept with him . he have been slept with many girls even with jennie also . arin never talked to him even she knows his personality but still . )

Jennie approaches felix .

Jennie : hii felix , how are you .

Felix : ohh hii baby I must have asked this to you after that night.

Jennie : i m fine . well i want an fever from you .

Felix: anytime baby say .

Jennie : look there that girl , her name is arin and she is so annoying and stupid , she is trying to be friends with us and especially rose but we dont want . so just paly with her some days and then throw her like trash .

Felix : hmm she is pretty btw and sexy too . I wonder how will she look while moaning my name

Jennie : just do whatever you want but do something wild and then broke her heart and just leave her .

Felix : yup jennie , i was also in search of the kind of girl .

Jennie : i know you very well you. Horny horse .

Felix : but babe dont you think she is too skinny , i mean how will she handle my dick inside her .

Jennie : felix I m not saying to rape her all just do is to play with her make her fall for you , make her believe in you and dont try to do anything nasty .

Felix : oh ok ok but what will i get in exchange of that .

Jennie: I know what you are thinking but let me clear I will not do anything .okay

Felix : okay then i will also not play with her.

Jennie : ffiinnnnneeeee .

Felix : that my babe , now you dont worry i will make sure no to remain her heart like that ok .

Then felix gone from there and jennie too .

Time skip
Now arin and jungkook is walking towards their house they always walk home becouse namjoon and hobi came together in evening .

Jungkook : arin you really dont have any friends .

Arin : no .

Jk : how do you manage then .

Arin : manage what .

Jk : spenting time without any friends without any fun .

Arin : its not that much hard btw . how may friends do you have.

Jk : ahm maybe 15.

Arin : WHAT .

Jk : yes atleast i am good at making friends .

After walking for like 19 minutes they have reached house .

They opened house and dropped themselves on the couch while jk throw his bag somewhere in corner of the hall .

Yoongi enter the hall from his room and saw them .

Yoongi : jungkook .this is how you throw your bag huh.

Both jungkook and arin got startled from yoongis deep voice and jk grabbed his bag and ran towards thier room
While arin was very slowly and lazily untiening the laces of her shoes .

Yoongi noticed and ask her

Yoongi : arin .

Arin : yes oppa .

Yoongi : are u okay .

Arin : yes why .

Yoongi: y are u being lazy then .

Arin : i dont know oppa i fell so tired .

Yoongi : ok go change then came and eat something .

Arin :hmm

Yoongi : also bring jungkook with you .

Arin : okay oppa

She entered her room and take her clothes out and gone for a shower . after sometime she came and saw jungkook laying .

Arin : go have shower than yoongi oppa calling us to eat something.

Jk : you dont need to tell me what i have to do and what not so better dont interfere .

Arin didnt said anything and just move downstairs .

Arin didnt said anything and just move downstairs

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This is what your are wearing btw .


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