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Time skip to after school .
Arin and jungkook enter the house and found yoongi laying on sofa and tae doing some work on his laptop . Arin straight walk towards her room and jungkook too they were tired as hell .

Tae looked up to see them moving upstairs but didnt said anything .

After sometime arin was in her room and thinking about something while combing her hairs then tae came in her room and saw her like this .

Tae : Arin .

She flinch really hard that comb fell from her hands and she looks up to see him .

Tae: are u okay .

Arin : yes oppa. I m fine dont worry .

Tae: ok then

He move to downstairs .

Time skip to night .


Arin , tae and jimin who were siting in hall got flinch out of sudden loud voice of jin . while namjoon and suga were working on something and hobo was still in kitchen helping jin. Arin was watching tv and tae jimin were chit chating.

Jimin: now what happen.

Arin: i think now jungkook broke something .

Tae: how do you .

Arin : I dont know i just ..i -

Tae: stop blaming him .

Arin : why you always took his side .

Tae : Arin.

Jimin : guys guys relax and you arin this is how to talk to elders huh .

Arin : ask your brother only .

after saying that she move from there to kitchen for finding why jin was shouting .

Jungkook entered in kitchen and ask jin while panting heavily.

Jk : wha-t happen hy-ung.

Jin : what is this huh.

Jin showed him his this test paper in which he hot only 3 marks out of 50 . jungkooks eyes wide ope.

Jk : hyung I can explain

Jin : explain everything to namjoon now.

Jk : hyung pls pls

He follwed jin like a lost puppy and pleading him no to tell namjoon .
( namjoon , jin and tae very strict fot studies . and namjoon teaches him maths and to arin also and jungkook got low marks in chemistry . at home he home tutor them all subjects ).

Jin : look at this .

He showed his test paper to namjoon and his eyes also wide open .

Jin: and you what he did he throwed this in dust bin when I was peaking in I found this .

Now namjoon already forming in anger . while controlling he ask him .

Namjoon : jungkook I asked you earlier but you said that you got 45 marks then what is this huh.

Jungkook and arin both gulp harder and looked at each other .

Arin : oppa maybe he didnt memorise . nex-.


Arin flinch along with jungkook and looked down while shooting her head .

Namjoon : and you . why ?

Jk : hyung I wa-s abse-t th-en tha-ts why I didnt know that next will be surprise test.

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