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Time skip to lunch .

Arin is sitting in cafeteria in a table alone . suddenly when someone approach her its none other than balckpink .

Jisoo  : hii arin .

Arin looked at surprisingly .

Arin : h-ii.( she said hesitately)

Lisa : hmm I saw how mr.choi hit you on palm . she me .

She took arins hand coercionly .
And just pressed her palm which have red and stroke mark on .
Arin flinch .

Arin: ahhhh .

Lisa : its hurting I m sorry .

Arin : its ok .

Rose : btw we feel pity for you .

Arin : you dont need I m fine .

Jennie :well arin will you be our friend .

Arin : what .

Jennie : see before you say anything let me clear we are sorry for out attitude towards you but now we want to be friends with you only if you are comfortable .

Jisoo : exactly see what have dont to you we are sorry fot that .ans rose is already your friend  so we can also be right .

Lisa : arin please dont say no please .

Rose : let her speak guys .

Arin : ahmm ohk I will ( hesitately ).

Jennie : ok friends . ( she move her hands towards her and arin shake her hands with her ).

Arin :frei-nds 😁

She was happy now .

Jisoo :ok so we are friends , now you dont have eat alone ok.

Arin: hmm .

Lisa : btw your lunch seems very healthy and tasteless how you eat it .

Arin : I only swallone it .

Everyone laughs .

Jennie : but why .

Arin : becouse I cant digest outside food or jungfood coz I have weak stomach .

Lisa :ohh .

Jennie : well let us introduce ourselves to you  as you dont know anything about us .

Lisa : start with me . so my name is lalisa manoban  I m 16 and I have mom and dad.

Jisoo : now me . my name is kim jisoo I m 16 and I have mom dad and younger sister .

Rose : I m roseanne park . I m also 16 I have mom dad and older brother .

Jennie : I m kim jennie im 16 I have mom dad and me .

Rose : now you arin .

Arin : ahm my name is kim arin . I m also 16 . and I have 6 older brothers and 1 younger .

Jisoo : you have such a big family I m impressed .

Lisa : I always wanted .

Arin : well my younger studies In our school only he is in 9 grade .

Black pink : ohhhh .

Jennie :  and about your parents .

Arin : ahm we dont have .

Lisa : what them how do you manage .

Arin : well I have 6 older brother who are very older than me and jk . so they took care for us . jin oppa is eldest in my family he is 29 . and took care of everyone in my house .

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