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Next morning.

Everyone is having breakfast . arin very quitely and even without making any tantrum . jk said breaking the silence .

Jk: *clearing his throat* is everything fine why u not speaking anyhthing.

Arin:its my choice any problem.

Jk: yess I cant digest u being like this .

Arin looked at jin , namjoon ,yoongi eating peacefully .

Arin: oppa .

Namjoon : yeah we are late lets go .

Arin:nooo oppa please no.

Taehyung : didnt u understand at once.

Arin become sad and just eat quietly .

Some moment later.

Namjoon : lets go guys or u want to be late.

Jk: yaah lets go.

Time skip to school.

They enter in their classrooms.
After some lectures .time skip to lunch .

Jisoo: so did you asked about phone.

Arin: he straight said no.

Lisa: whyyyy.


Jennie:honestly saying ur life is of no use.

Rose: hey dont say like that.

Lisa: but do you guys know that now every classroom will have their seprate chat group. And this rule is only made by your oppa so i think he will allow u phone.

Arin:he will still because he owns this school and he knows everything so he will never, jin oppa said clearly untill I become 18 he will not buy me.

Jennie :i m glad i dont have such strict family.

After sometime jk come running to arin and sat .

Jk:u know what no we will have seprate chat group for every classroom hyung told in our section i m excited now everyone can talk .

Arin: i know that .

Jk:u know already.


Jk:k then i m going .


Jisko:I think we should also go guys .

Lisa: haan lets go.

Time skip to their lecture .

Namjoon entered in their classroom and made an announcement .

Namjoon: so we know all have already know about the scenerio, so we have decided to have an seprate chat group for every stnadard so gave ur number of ur parents and details to mr.choi as he is ur classroom owner . ok students.

Students : yess sir.

Namjoon: ok so now bring ur notebooks one by one to me ill check today.

Jennie: whattt .

Lisa: omg i didnt completed my work yet.

Jisso: mine is half done half not.

Rose: mine.

Jennie : at least u guys did half done i didnt even wrote the headings.

Lisa: look at this arin , I swear she is really something to work on time.

They said while looking at arin who was waiting for turn to come.

Rose: this nothing guys mr.choi will also check our notebooks.

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