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Arin is still standing in corner while her tears are visible in her eyes .

Taehyung said while standing up from chair .

Tae: tell me what to do with u .

She didnt look up in guilt .

Namjoon: why u did that , u studied right .

Hobi: lets talk at home guys lets go .

They left the room angrily meanwhile arin was still standing there .

Hobi turned to see her and said .

Hobi: u need an invitation to come .

Arin just nodded as no .

Hobi: then come .

Arin: I do-nt ha-ve guts to co-me .

Hobi : anyhow u need to come whether u wanted or not . come .

She slowly walks to him and then they went to car . and sat .

They reach after sometime the ride was silent .

They came out and entered in house .

While arin was walking slowly when taehyung shout to her .


She looked up and ran to them while wiping her tears .

They entered and saw jin , jimin , and yoongi already sitting there . coz they already know .

Everyone came and taehyung went and sat on the couch while hobi walks to his room to get fresh , and jk sat in corner coz he is also scared , while namjoon walks to arin and held her right arm tightly and asked her rudely making her flinched hard and shredding her tears more .


Arin wanted to say but her voice is'nt coming from her mouth it got stuck .

Jimin: u were studying the whole day and night to do this arin huh  .

Arin:op-pa I -.

Yoongi: what oppa WHAT OPPA HUH . TELL ME WHAT OPPA .

He came tightly slapped making her stumbled and lot her balanced but and got fall on the floor with loud thud .

Jin: yoongi .

Namjoon:no hyung u cant stop him now she deserves what she did .

Jk eyes got widened and he gulp hard .

Meanwhile taehyung came up with a wooden ruler nd gave to yoongi .

He took from him and looked at arin who was looking at them from the floor with her teary eyes .

Yoongi made her stand with her arm and said .

: hmm so time for punishment right 20 strokes on right palm and 20 on left.

Arin didnt said anything nor oppose him and just forwarded her hands towards him with emotionless face becouse she accepted that she made mistakes , but when yoongi hit her first .

Arin: ahhh ,

Crying badly she held both her hands together but soon then she again forward her hands towards him he again hit her hard , after hitting for like  20 , 20 times on both her hands she throwe the ruler on floor and  holding both her hands arin started to cry badly while she sat on floor .

Arin: i m s-o so-rr-y op-pa i re-al-ly do-nt mean to d-o b-ut  i di-dint sa-w a si-ng-le wo-r-d fr-o-m an-yone  oppa i jus-t  sh-owe-d th-em  mi-ne , please I m sorry , and i wi-ll  nev-er  do th-is  aga-in  , i pro-mise.

She whole shuttering .

Tae: so what if u showed to them or they showed to you you mistaken in both the situations .

Hobi entered the hall and saw her in the state  , jungkooks eyes were also become teary but then he left. 

Hobi came and said .

: arin u go to your room and change .

She wipes her tears and went .

Jimin: ah I cant believe this .

Jin: whatever was happened u shouldn't have hit her this much hard yoongi .

Yoongi: I fucking dont care hyung she did mistake and she have taken it just thats it .

Hobi: do you even whats just exactly happend huh .

Tae: that doesnt matters right .

Hobi: it does .

Hobi: her so called friends forced her or I say threaten her .

Tae:yaah and she is so stupid to being threaten right .

Hobi: I dont fucking  care taehyung what u think or what not , i just know this that whatever arin did was after coming under her friends influence , and i know which is wrong.

Namjoon: but then why she came under their influence she is also wrong equally.

Hobi: i know .

Hobi: and u guys know her better she just can first people so easily and then they backstab her , because the much i know those girls are like that only they were just using our arin.

Jimin: so why didnt u told her .

Hobi:i did many times but she never listened to me .

Jin: whatever i know my baby she will never do that if she did so there might be any reason .

He just said and went from there .


Arin is crying her heart out sitting in a corner of her room and jk just sitting besides her trying to console her .

Jk: its ok arina please stop crying you will fall sick .

Arin: yo-u  kn-ow  wha-t  the-y only forc-ed m-e to do th-at  .

Jin came to their room and saw her in thay state .
Jin came hugged her and she also did.

Arin: i m sorry oppa

She said crying .

Jin: its ok everything will be alright .

Arin: hmm , and I promise I will never do that again .

Jin: its ok and every thing is fine and think too much and sleep otherwise you'll fall sick , and jungkook u also go get fresh .

Jungkook nodes and went to washroom while arin did change her clothes lay on bed tried to sleep .


Word count - 970

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