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The very next day.

Both arin and jk are studying hard with taehyung who is like sitting on couch like king while both of them are sitting on floor like small puppies with their all there books scattered on floor.

Jk is like learning so answeres and arin is solving so maths sum .

She was solving but then taehyung snatch her notebook .

Arin looked at him who was checking her sums .

Tae; i knew that this was wrong dont u know how to solve huh.

Arin:but what is wrong in it.

Tae: u r applying wrong method .

Arin: howww.

Tae: dont argue .

Arin: i m not arguing oppa.

Tae: whatever look here .

He said angrily.

And also then then he scolded jk too.

Well somehow both of them manage to study with taehyung and 1 month just flew away .

Now its a day for their first exam which is of science .
And they said they are fully prepared.

Jk come running downstairs its early in the morning.

Jk: m I late.

Hobi:yes that too 10 mins

Namjoon: see u eat fast other wise we"ll be late .

Jk: yaah.

Arin: god please today exam should be easy.

Jk: yaah please.

Jimin : bess of luck guys.

Then they stood and start wearing their bags while jin ran behind them to put their lunch boxes in their bags.

He said while putting it inside.

Jin: see guys while writting exam dont look here and there and do show ur answered sheet to anyone , and most probably dont leave any question attempt every question even if u dont know answers ok .

Arin/jk: ohk oppa / hyung.

Namjoon start horning them .

And they ran and sat in car.

Time skip
They reach school namjoon straight went to staff area . and both pd them went to their respected classes.

Arin entred in her classroom saw students reviseing.
And discussing.

She enter and sat on her seat.

Her so called friends called her she went to them happily.

And then start asking their doubts to her.

Jisoo: listen arin u know the derivation of kinetics.

Arin: yess .

Lisa: and potential energy.

Arin:i know that.

Jennie: see u r sitting right besides me so u can show ne ur answered sheet.b

Arin: what u want me to show my sheet to u.

Lisa: yess arin please somethjngs are still confusing and u show to jennie and she will show to rose and she will show me and I will show to Jisoo.

Arin: what is mr.choi cought us z I have already tasted his strokes many time .

Jennie: he will not just say yess.

Arin: ohk then just take care no one see us.


After sometime then mr.choi entered the classroom and start giving instructions .

Mr.choi: so today is first examination now u guys know all the instructions to fill the entries so i m distributing u guys ur exam papers .

He start walking to the student's and distributing the sheets and said while distributing.

Mr.choi: and yess if I found anyone doing cheating then noone will be worst then me.

And then after sometime they start writing .

Arin was busy writting but jenlisa talking with eyes to ask her answerers.

Lisa coughed and touched arina shoulder as she was sitting just front of her .

Lisa: arina show me answeres no 5 .

Arin get her answere sheet aside and lisa copied and jennie and other two girls also.

After sometime .

Exam time gets over mr.chou immediately collect all the sheets from the students.

Arin turn to look at her friends after submitting her paper.

Arin: what happen guys .

Jisso just walked out from the room jennie followed her .

Arin: whats wrong lisa.

Lisa: dont aske me.

She also walked out .

Arin: rose tell me na .

Rose: including me our exam didnt go well and its was physics main subject u know .

Arin:but i showed my answeres guys as u told me to do so.

Rose: but not completely na u just show 1 or 2 .

Arin: so ? U wanted me show my whole answere sheet infront of mr.choi.

Rose: no but just u can show some difficult queries.

Arin: but that wasn't difficult .

Rose: whatever arin i m also going they guys night be waiting for me , sorry.

Arin: shit i cant disappoint my friends.

She walked out her classroom when jungkook entered .

Jk: lets go.

Arin:I was coming na.

Jk: no today jimin hyung came to pick us.

Arin : why .

Jk:idk. Lets go na  yrr .

He grabbed her arm and ran with her.

They reached car .
And sat .

Arin: oppa why u come to pick us today.

Jimin: jin hyung call me and told me to pick u guys .

Jk: but we come daily by own na .

Jimin: stop arguing .

Arin: sorry .


Word count - 815

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