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Time skip to next morning .
6:30 .
In school .

Arin just entered her classroom
And lisa wave her hand towards her she smiles and move towards them .

Lisa : hii arinahh.

Arin : hi lisa.

They were talking for a while and then teacher enter and she sat on her seat .

Jennie : lisa dont be so close with her .

Lisa : when you want break her heart then why would I back off from making her trust us huh.

Jennie : but still

Lisa : still what jennie .

Jisso : guys dont forget mr.choi is in class so stop arguing .

Jennie : whatever ( rolls her eyes) .

Time skip to recess.
Arin and her so called friends are in cafeteria .

Rose : mr.choi is very rude and strict honestly i hate him .

Jisoo: yah comparing other teachers he the worst .

Lisa : and namjoon sir is the hottest ommo i already fall in love with since i have saw him .

Arin was drinking juice she spit some after listening to lisa's statement . jisoo rubs her back .

Jisoo : r u okay .

Arin :yes i m fine . and sorry .

Jennie : its ok . btw arin give me you phone number .

Arin : ummm I dont have any phone .

Lisa chocked her food on rose .

Rose : lisaaaaaaa.

Lisa: sorry . r u serious you dont have any phone .

Arin : yess . why you are surprised .

Jisoo : because now everyone have me them and we are not kids also and also its for our safety purpose because if go out alone so if there is an emergency so can call anyone there are many more usses  of phone .

Rose ; she is not asking you usess of phone btw .

Arin : but i never go out alone so i dont need .

Jenni : so we have to talk to you or i want to chat with you so how will we contact .

Arin: umm call on landline number . ill give .

Jennie : wait save in it .

Jennie hands her . her phone and she saved it . arin handed her back

Arin :  i saved it by my name .

Rose : how we gonna add you in chat app .

Arin :umm I dont know .

Jennie : no prob we will call her if needed .

Lisa : yaah  dont worry .

Jisoo: guys I cant come tomorrow .

Rose : why

Jisoo: my appas friends son is getting married so we have to go there .

Lisa : no prob now we got new friends .

Jisoo : so mean .

Suddenly bell rang they have gone towards their classes .

Time skip to after school .
Time 4:30 .

Not everyone is at home .
Tae , jimin ,jin are at hospital . namjoon and hobi  are at home they are using thier phone in their rooms and yoongi at his office and  jungkook is creating something or i say doing something weird . arin is sleeping on couch . ( on sofa)
Jk is sitting just after her .
He was busy when suddenly landline phone rang he was busy so he didnt hear the voice.

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