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Time skip to night at dinner .
8:00 .

Everyone is having dinner but very quietly . hobi looked at jin and raise his eyebrow to confirm what happen . jin shooks his head indication as no he dont know . then namjoon again looked at arin and jk and they eating very slow and unwillingly . everyone was looking at each other and not talking . then suddenly jimin  asked.

Jimin : how was your school guys .

They flinched and looked at him .

Jk : go-od.

Jimin : whats happening you guys since morning . did something happened.

Arin : yess .

Everyone looked at arin along with jk he wasn't expecting her to speak .
Jk looked at her with pleading eyes .
Arin looked away.

Tae: tell us what happen
( asually he said coldly ) .
Making arin nervous because she also dont know whats to say.

Arin :ummm actu-lly nothing .

Tae: what the hell is this huh u guys are making us tensed .

Arin : sorry oppa.

Jk :I m done .

Namjoon : wait bring your books in living .

Jk : ok .

After sometime

Arin and jungkook both are tensed because namjoon suddenly start taking their test and they were not prepared fot it .

Namjoon : here .

He gave them papers and.they start writing . after sometime . somehow they mange to write things . but still many answer were still wrong .
Arin got 4 ques wrong out 10 and jk got 5 wrong out 10 .

Namjoon : well i was expecting more but that ok now u guys can go .

They have ran from there and entered there room .

Jk : my heart was really beating hard when he said that he will take test .

Arin : yaah mee to. For a while i thought we gonna die .

Jk :but thanks to god tomorrow is sunday . woahoo.

He said while jumping on his with his hands spread .

Arin : and aslo what u think about those papers huh .

Jk : oh god please dont start again arin please.

Arin : i m not starting again . i m just saying what to do with these papers .

She said while showing him all blue papers .

Jk imeadiatly stood and snatch papers from her hands .

Jk : have you lost what if someone sees them .

Arin : but jungkook u have to do something untill anyone founds.

Jk : dont say bad y u think bad huh think positive always ok .

Arin : but still jk just imagine if yoongi oppa finds about this than you were dead for sure and me also .

Tae : what are guys talking about huh .

They flinch out of sudden raspy , and manly voice .

They turned to see taehyung glaring both of them .

Arin :op-pa u here .

Tae : why cant I come i here .

He walk in and sat on jks bed .

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