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Time skip to xxx restaurant .

Everyone were now sitting on family table .

Yoongi : so guys what you want to order.

Jk : cheese burger .

Jin: we are here to dinner to for snacks .

Jk :but-

Jin: not buts .

Waiter have arrived .
Jin gave everyone gave order to their tasty and delicious food .

But someone noticed arin was sitting with a pout while resting her back on the back with her hand fold on her chest.

Jimin : what happen arin is everything ok .

Arin :yah.

Namjoon : arin r u okay .

Arin : no oppa i m not .

Tae: whats wrong with you now.

Arin: you have order tasty food for everyone but for me again that food .

Jin : ask him .

Arin looked at tae with her doe and wet eyes , but he just ignored .
Jimin noticed and asked.

Jimin : ok tell me what you want to eat.

Arin : will you order

Jimin :definately.

Arin: what jungkook have ordered.

Jimin :ohk.

Tae: but why .

Jimin : its ok its just about for one day.

Arin :exactly just for today .

Tae:ok then its your health your tommy who am i to suggest you .

Namjoon :guys please . and jimin your ordered.

Arin got happy and jimin have order everything .

Time skip to after eating

Jk :I m done.

Arin :mee too. It was tasty .

Jk :very tasty .

Jimin : yaah .

After sometime they were about to go .

When someone hold arins wrist and turn her around she looked up to see only LISA.

Arin : oh my god lisa you scared me .

Lisa : I kow right . btw what r u doing .

Arin : i have came for dinner with my family .

Lisa :woah me also with my family .

Arin : really what a coincidence .

Lisa : yaah btw meet me your family .

Arin : sure i will .

Arin turned to see namjoon saying no.

Arin :dont worry oppa she knows what you are my brother and jk also .

Lisa : hello sir she is right .

Namjoon : but how .

Lisa : actually one day i saw you with arin and jk also going in same car so next day i have asked her so she told me about you and hobi sir .

Namjoon : but why arin .

Arin :oppa she was forcing me.

Lisa : you are creating a trouble for me arin .

Arin : what .

Lisa : nothing , sir I promise i will not tell anyone but please promise that you will not cut my grades .

Namjoon :why would I .

Lisa: becouse I know that you are arins brother .

Namjoon :do you think i m like that.

Lisa :no . but sorry .

Jin : guys dont you think we are getting late .

Lisa : yaah and me also my parents will be waiting for me , bye arin .

Arin : byee.

Jimin : my she so annoying .

Arin : what so annoying oppa .

Jimin :nothing lets go .

Time skip

They have arrived to their house . and everyone moved to their rooms already . arin jk and others also have went to sleep but jin was in hall waiting for hobi to come .

After sometimes
Hobi came while talking to someone on phone .

Hobi : did you reach home safely .

??: yes hobi dont worry jagi .

Hobi :byee jagi ill talk later byee.

??: bye take care .

Jin : where were you .

Hobi :nothing just some work .

Jin : everyone was missing you .

Hobi : I know hyung . and i m sorry for that .

Jin :that ok have eaten .

Hobi : yahh . i did dont you worry .

Jin :ok then ill go and sleep.


Word count - 587

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