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Time skip to next morning .
8:50 .
In school

Arin was in her classroom concentrating and others also but jennie really have some personal grudes with arin so she staring at her .

Teacher cought jennie asked her.

Teacher : jennie stand up .

Everyone looked at her . she stood stand straight .

Teacher : where were you looking .

Jennie : sir I was just looking at you .

Teacher : I know that you are a big lier so out now .

As Jennie have slot of attitude which has been vanished infront of everyone and this is also arins fault for her . she gone outside og the class .

Time skip to after school .

Rose and her friends were outside of the school suddenly when felix come running towards them .

Felix ; i want so something jennie .

Jennie : say r u okay.

Felix ; see i m moving to us forever and I will never come back , me my family everyone my dad has business there which he want me and my hyung to run so my dad taking us there so i cant play with that girl whats hes name .

Lisa : arin .

Felix : yeah yeah that arin so i m sorry .

Jennie : its ok best of luck .

Then felix have gone from there .

Jennie made pissed face .

Jennie : i knew it he is completely useless

Jisoo : now what youll do .

Rose : guys. I suggest just back off let it be she is not bothering us so .

Lisa : nahhh so boring . i m really carving for fun dude .

Jennie : well i will not left her like this so now we will do by our own . and you are also involving ( said to rose ) .

Rose nodded becouse she also dont like her .

Meanwhile here is arin waiting for jungkook to come but its already been 10 minutes and he hasn't come yet .

Arin : where is he now .

She move inside again and start to check his classroom but noone was there so she thinks to go tk namjoon cabin maybe he was there .
She entre in his cabin but noone was there then she move to hobis office and when she peeked from outside ans saw that jungkook was getting scolded from Hobi and namjoon .

Arin : sir may i come inside .

Hobi : come arin . and take you stupid brother with you .

Arin was now know  that he had created a scene becouse there were other students also getting punished along with him so she entered and ask him .

Arin : what happened sir .

Hobi : you brother was in plan to do bunk . actually mass bunk with these students .

Arin : jungkook are u serious .

Jungkook looked at her with his teary eyes . already fearing what will happen to him when they reach home .

Namjoon : I have been called tour brother yoongi and he is coming .

Arin : why u called him u can call anyone jimin oppa or jin oppa .

Namjoon : becouse everyone was busy . so i had call him only .

Hobi : everyone now leave and come with you parents or guardians tomorrow .

Everyone left and there is only jungkook ,hobi namjoon and arin left .

Arin slapped jungkooks shoulder .

Arin : why can't you spent a day with trouble huh .

Jungkook : i dont want to do they forced me .

Arin : oh so if they force you jump in well so will you jump .

Jk : no .

Arin : then why .

Hobi : guys we will discuss this at home .

Now jungkook both and arin were tensed becouse he have really messed up today so everyone will punished him .

After some time yoongi came and took both of them with him .
Arin knows now jungkook is dead and noone knows can be last day of her . she thinking only these things while the whole ride like . what will happen , do they beat him , or worse maybe .

After sometimes they have reached home .

Arin was untieine her shoes and jungkook was standing like statue while yoongi had been already went to his room .
Arin looked up at him .

Arin : whats wrong u want stay like this whole day go change .

Jk : I m very scared . arin

Arin : u might have been think this before bunking and whats the need of it . and u are so dumb . u were bunking from school which owns by your brother and one of your brother teaches u there . so stupid .

Jk : 🥺 his eyes were teary.

Arin : don't cry they dont kill you but yes can beat you espeacilly namjoon oppa coz he was hella angry . and noone know that i also can be part of your punishment in it .

Them skip to evening .
Everyone was at home but jungkook didnt came out from his room since when he came .
Tae and jimin are discussing about some files of their patients.
And yoongi was also talking to his manager, jin is taking shower in his room as he come just 15 min before . and arin was playing in jimins phone . while hobi and namjoon hasn't came yet .

Tae: I think its enough for today .

Jimin : yeah i asked suzy ( their manager ) to call other doctors also we were already tired .

Tae : good then ( he sigh tiredly ) .

Jimin snatches his phone from arins hand.

Arin ; oppa .

Jimin : what .

Arin : it was about to end please oppa .

Jimin : no .

Then he move towards his room and arin made a sad pout .

Tae : where is jungkook .

Arin : in room .

Tae : why did something happend .

Arin : hmm.

Tae : what .

Arin : you'll get to know when namjoon and hobi oppa come .

Tae : arin tell me now .

Arin : why gets angry on silly things oppa . i m not in good mood to tell you please .

Yoongi : arin he is just asking you only .

Arin : ok jk was trying to mass bunk with his friends in middle of school but one of the worker saw him and his friends and drag hik hobi oppa so now he is scared becouse namjoon oppa said that he will punish him thats why he is not coming outside .

Tae: how can he do this .

Arin : oppa i think you only spoiled him you always let him do whatever he wants and also always try to coverup his mistakes.

Tae: so you mean its my fault .

Arin : not directly but i think indirectly.

Tae: and dont you think you are talking so much huh . * he while glaring at her *

Arin : I m sorry .

Yoongi : ok guys enough . and arin bring me a glass of water .

Tae : me to .

Arin : hmm


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