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Next morning .

Arin and jk were getting ready but she isn't talking to him , he is feeling more guilty then .

Jk : arin why are not talking to me .

Arin : and why would i talk to you .

Jk : arin.

She left room without listening to him. She is angry on him .

She came and sat besides hobi .
Jin gave her plate again with that health food .
She just biting.

Jungkook also came and sat besides her.
After being some seconds they were having their breakfast very quietly which never happens .

Yoongi : why are you both so quite today . .

Arin :because i m not talking to him .

Yoongi : why .

Arin :because he- 😬 forget it . we are late .

She stood and gone towards their car .

Jimin : jungkook what happens huh .

Jk :nothing hyung dont worry .

He also stood stopped by jin .

Jin :wait take her lunch box with you and gave to her .

Jk : hmm .

He just her lunch box in his bag and ran .

Namjoon also came and they left .
After sometime they came out side and walk towards their classes arin didnt even glance to jk and just walk by .

Jk entered his classroom and his friend's approaches him .

Eunwoo ; hii dude .

Jk :hii.

Yoenjun : is everything ok.

Jk : no dude .

Eunwoo: why what happen .

Jk dragged them to their seats they had sit on the first bench today . so they sat jungkook told them everything .

Jk :and now she is not talking to me i can bare everything but i cant when arin dont talk to me .

He was telling everything no knowing that someone was listening to him from the behind of side wall .

Eunwoo: dont worry jk tell me where are those papers .

Jk : its in my bag.

Yoenjun : what are stupid just hide them .

Jk:no she said that she will not talk to me untill I say everything to yoongi hyung . and i very sacred of telling him .

Eunwoo : dont worry when you go home just talk to her she will difinatly undersatand you

Yoenjun : or you say we will talk to her.

Jk : no guys no she will then never talk to me . i will talk her after school .

Then their teacher enter the class room

Meanwhile with arin .

Arin was walking slowly towards her classroom lisa , rose , jennie saw her .
But she didnt sa them she was lost somewhere . jennie elbowed to lisa to approach her and dragged her to them lisa ran to them and put her hand to her shoulder .

Lisa : hey babe.

Arin : babe ?

Lisa : ill call you that from today.

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