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Namjoon and hobi just entered the hall and arin was serving them water .

Namjoon : where is jk .

Arin : in room

Namjoon : call him .

Jin ; namjoon let it be he is just kid so .

Namjoon : no hyung its wrong and dont try to cover his mistakes .

Jin : I m not trying to cover his mistakes but he is already very scared all I m saying is dont beat him .

Namjoon ; we will decide that later . jimin go call him .

Jimin went arins and jungkooks room and found him sitting in corner of the bed .

Jimin ; kookie namjoon hyung is calling .

Jk : no i will not go he will definately kill me .

Jimin : dont be scared ok come with me .

After sometime both of them come .

Jungkook taking slow steps come hide behind jin . while others were sitting on sofa.

Hobi : see jungkook what you have tried to done today was not forgavable . and dont think that you will not be punished .

Jk : I m sor-ry  hyung . please I wi-ll n-ot  repeat again .

Namjoon : come here .

Jk didnt move .

Namjoon : COME HERE I SAID .

He flinch including arin even tears started to form in his eyes .
Jungkook came and stand in front of him .
Namjoon took a stick behind the sofa and hit on his leg .jk started crying while rubbing his leg .
After getting 5 strokes from him .

Namjoon : no games, no playing , no tv and nothing and you will aslo not get food today .

Jk nodded while wiping his tears.
Then he have gone to his room .

Time skip to dinner .

Everyone is having dinner .
But jins motherly soul was active he is worried for jk and eating slowly including arin becouse she always eat slow coz her dinner breakfast and lunch was asusual healthy food which she hates .

Jin : you shouldn't have hit him like this .

Yoongi : so what he deserves that .

Jin : he is kid but . and he haven't eat anything since evening .

Namjoon : just let it be he will realise his mistakes .

Jimin : but hyung he is right .

Tae : and namjoon hyung also right today he just bunked noone knows what he will do in future .

Time skip to next morning .

Arin was in rush she running downstairs she got late .
She came and sat besides jungkook and slapped his shoulder .

Arin : why didnt you woke me up .

Jk : I did but you were snoring and not listening to me .

Arin : you didnt said it .

Jin : arin , jungkook have this .

He handed them glass of milk and they drank and rushed out becouse they were late so Namjoon adn hobi already left so now they have to walk .

While walking .

Jk : come fast .

Arin : I cant run like this . you know .

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