xxxix. the end

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Dear Diary,
They didn't tell me there might be other side effects.

The forest's floor made no noise as I trekked down an unbeaten path. It had rained earlier today, making the foliage soft, but the air was humid to no end, making my uniform's hoodie stick uncomfortably to my skin. I couldn't even imagine what Masky was feeling in that cargo jacket of his.

A hand gently pressed against the middle of my back, forcing me to stop where I was. Masky bent down, mask close to my ear as he spoke. "You and Toby go left, we'll go right. There's an unlocked window on our side, and we'll let you in through the front door."

I nodded, and then his presence was being replaced with Toby's as we split ways, still quiet besides the occasional crack of Toby's bones, his excitement for the mission making him tic a bit more than usual. His breathing was ragged, hands shaking where they were placed carefully on the head of his axes. "Y-you ready," he questioned as we stood on the edge of the treeline, waiting for Brian.

I nodded. "I guess as I'll ever be."

The mission's instructions were playing in my head on repeat. Ten targets in total. Five teenagers, two mothers, and three fathers. Leave the children alone. Three girls. Three boys. Barricade them in their room before taking out the targets. Call the police after but do not say anything. Leave the line on and go.

Toby licked his teeth as he pulled down his mask and goggles, eyes flitting over to mine every few seconds. I didn't have a mask, yet. Barefaced and anxious. I hadn't thought of what I wanted to wear yet, in all honesty. Toby wanted to do something like what he wore for me, but Brian had told us he'd think of something and left it at that. The only thing I had ready was my uniform. It was simple like everyone else's – just a black hoodie and black jeans that I had strapped a few harnesses over. One to hold a small handgun and the other to keep some knives. Toby had painted a yellow line around the calf on my right leg, claiming I needed some color to match everyone. It was the same yellow of Masky and Hoody's jackets. It was the same yellow that Toby had on the handle of his hatchets. I blended in with the others.

Toby glanced over at me a few more times. "Do you need something, baby," I asked, keeping my gaze on the door until the last second. I jumped in place as I realized he had taken a step closer to me, our noses practically touching. "Oh-"

"Please," Toby whimpered. "Just a-a g-good luck kiss-ss."

I had leaned forward without even thinking, wrapping an arm around the back of his neck and kissing him, letting all of my anxieties about this mission fall as I surrounded myself with him. He pressed me against the tree, mouth parting only to suck in a few deep breaths before diving back into me.

We were so caught up in each other that we almost missed the door cracking open and Hoody sticking his hand out, letting us know it was open. I had turned just slightly and caught the sight right as Toby dove towards my neck. I pushed him away quickly, but before anything, he bit down harshly on the juncture between neck and shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. I couldn't help the surprised moan that escaped me, and he couldn't help the grin he had as he pulled away, yellowed teeth stained red at the action.

"C-come on!" And then, we were making our way to the house, slipping in and shutting the door behind us. Hoody was at the top of the stairs, rifle held securely in his hands. His stance was menacing for anyone that was us – shoulders squared back, legs parted slightly, gun held at an angle across his chest with another strapped to his back. God, I wanted to eat him up.

Masky was in a hallway by the door, stopping us when we walked in. "The kids are barricaded. Hoody's staying watch up there – no guns used unless absolutely necessary for this one. Everyone else should be split around the bottom floor. There's also a room in the basement. Split and we'll meet back here in a few, alright?"

So, everyone parted ways. I ended up walking down the dark hallway while Toby went downstairs and Masky took the teenagers in the living room. I was shaking, I noticed, but I was ready.

Ever-so-slowly, I peeked my head into one of the rooms, slipping inside once I saw two people. It was easy, like my brain could shut off when I needed it to for moments like this. The woman went first, the knife slid easily against her throat, and she was dead in seconds, the other must have been a light sleeper because he woke once she gurgled. I held a pillow against his face to muffle his voice when I did the same to him.

Now sticky from the blood that managed to get on my hands, I continued throughout the house, turning and opening another door only to be met with an empty office. The next was another bedroom, though also empty. After a small look-around, I figured it was one of the teenagers who was currently in the living room. I wondered if the boys were doing their jobs well, too.

I froze as a door quietly clicked open, and two little feet stepped out. There was a child, maybe ten years old at most, rubbing her eyes as she left a bathroom. My chest seized at the sight, especially as she turned her gaze to me, and we locked eyes.

Her mouth opened, eyes widening, but before she could get anything out, I dove forward, kneeling in front of her and shushing her quietly. "Don't talk," I whispered, "stay quiet." She was breathing heavily, but she nodded, mouth closed tightly. "Shhh, shh, don't worry. I thought you were supposed to be upstairs." She opened her mouth, but it was as if her voice was gone, and it seemed to freak her out. "Hey, what's wrong, you can talk just be quiet."

Her voice was frail then. "I couldn't talk. I'm sorry. I just wanted to use the bathroom but the upstairs one is broken. Please, don't tell my mom and dad I was out of bed."

Couldn't talk?

I grabbed her hand and stood. "May I carry you upstairs really quick so you can be with your friends?"

She nodded. "Who are you?"

I huffed as I wiped my hands off on my hoodie before picking her up, carrying her like the kid she was. "No one important. Just forget about me."

She stared at me, and I watched as her eyes almost glazed over for a second before she blinked at me, beginning to thrash in my hold. "Who are you? Where are you taking me?"

I shushed her again. "Hey, hey, calm down! You're okay." Her body went limp. What the fuck? How was she taking everything I said so literally, like she had to listen no matter what. "Just, be quiet and put your head on my shoulder and close your eyes." She followed the instructions, and after she had, I made my way down the hall and up the stairs. Hoody stepped over to the top of the stairs at the sound of my climbing, clearly caught off guard by the sight of the child in my arms.

"Hoody, can you please unblock it so I can put her to bed?" He complied, moving the dresser he had put in front of their door to the side and letting me gently set her at the doors entrance. She stared at me with big eyes as I kneeled in front of her again. "Alright, go lay down in your bed, and then forget any of this happened, okay?"

She nodded, her eyes glazing over once again, and then she turned and walked into the room. I closed the door behind her before turning back to Hoody, my breathing rising as the situation hit me. What the fuck? How was I able to do that? Why did she listen like that?

Hoody pushed the dresser back in front of the door before pulling his mask above his head, his face set in confusion. He tilted his head to the side.

"Hoody, can I try something?"

He nodded. I needed to know if it was just her. Maybe, I was going crazy. He got a step closer.

"Hoody." He was looking at me with the softest expression. "Kneel." His eyes glazed over, and in just a second, he was on his knees in front of me. His gaze returned, and he blinked quickly a few times, obviously confused. "Stand back up." He followed the instruction again before staring at me in shock. "What the fuck is happening?"

(this is the end of this story, but there will be a sequel. see yall soon) 

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