Chapter Two

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I sat down on the front step and prepared myself mentally for what my father will say, i have never gotton into trouble with my father before and i feel unsure about how he will handle everything and what he would do to discipline me. "What is it dad?" I ask innocently, "Abby informed me of your behavior during the walk the two of you had, and to be honest i do no know how to feel about your outburst. That is possibly my fault as i was never around during your childhood, but nevertheless here we are with a slight problem on our hands. I can comprehend your distress and reluctant towards this family because of your mothers death but that still does not excuse you for the way you treated Abby. She has kindly opened her heart tocyou and i suggest you be greatful towards her, in this household there are some rules and standards we have and expect you to meet. You will attend the school we have selected for you; you will get perfect grades and therefor be rewarded with freedom. Because Abby andi work busy hours you and Justin will have the house to yourselves we expect the two of you to get along kindly and keep this house tidy, Justin leaves for his school retreat in a hour and then you will have the house to yourself i suggest you take this time to re-think your outlook on this fresh start we are offering. Any questions Gabby?"

I sat through the whole speech without saying anything, i honestly fept numb and wanted to go to my room but there was a question that needed to be answered. "When will i start school?"

"You start tomorrow; your uniform is in your wardrobe. I have to leave for the office now, but here." He chucked keys at me, which i caught, "these are the house keys and your mothers car keys; i thought you would apretiate having a car. Goodbye now Gabby, have a nice day."

I have a car. I have a car. I Gabriel own a car. I was shocked into dilence, i have my liscense because my old school made us do drivers education but mom never let me have a car. This is the best day since my mother died... My good mood instantly evaporated, it wasn't that i was punishing myself for her death it was more like every time i felt happy something happens to ruin my happiness and i sometimes question why do i even bother feeling happy because its going to be ruined.

I walked inside and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water, still breathless from my run. I drank the water and went upstairs to my bedroom, once in my room i shut my door and started to strip off my clothes so i could have a shower. I stood in front of the mirror in my underwear, my skin is pale and my legs are long with not a gram of fat upon them, all muscles. My tummy is flat and my breasts a nice size, not too small and mot to over the top big. My arms like my legs ar toned; i am pretty tall for a girl my age 5'8. My cheek flushed from my run, lips full, eyes green like leaves in spring time, my nose and ears both small. My hair is jet black, and aligned with my chin. I put on my bathrobe and got my towel and walked to the bathroom and had a long hot shower.

I am cyrrently lying on my bed listening to my ipod, after having a 30 minute shower i felt tired but didn't dare sleep because of the nightmare. I am wearing one of my mothers long skirts, one of the benefits of sharing the same size clothes as your mother. The skirt had different patterns of blue and purple, i wore a plain white tank top with some of my mothers necklaces. When i was packing up the house i chose to keep most of my mothers stuff, it made me feel close to her as if she was still here with me. I felt my stomach grumble and looked at the time.1pm, i sighed and went downstairs into the kitchen wherebi walked straight into someone. I fell backwards and onto my arse, i looked up to whom i walked into and was suprised to see Justin. "Aren't you suposed to be at retreat?" I asked, he didn't seem like the type to skip school but i hardley new the guy. I got up off the floor as he replied with: "Well i should be, but i thought why spend time reconecting with myself where at home there is someone in greater need of help? My teachers praised me for putting someone elses needs before my own, and told me to take all the time i need helping you. Therefore leaving me with the whole day free, when everyone else is stuck listening to tree huggers talk about spirituality, aren't i smart?" Justin had a cheesey grin on his face and a thought struck my mind, so he isn't a goody two shoes after all? "So you're telling me that you used me as an excuse to get out of school today?" "Yep. So what do you want to do today? Maybe mess around in my bed to cheer you up? Because you look like a girl in need of a good fuck." "Excuse me?!" I was outraged, did he seriously think he could use me as an excuse to get out of school then he gets to use me for his own pleasure? I am not a virgin, but that doesn't mean that i am sitting with open legs willing to have anything come inside. It dawned on me that i have just figured out my step brother, he is a player and not just your ordinary player he is a lying, snob of a player. Knowing this is like holding a double edge sword, it's a relief that i have figured him out but a negative knowing i am living with a player who will most likely try to get in my pants!

"Come on Gabby wake up and smell the roses! Your life sucks, your mom just died, your dad doesn't know nor care about you and you have to start all over again in life with new people amd surroundings. Here i am a perfectly hot guy willing to help you find happiness here and help set you up. Take a look at me, you can't turn this body down." "What have i told you about calling me Gabby? You are an overly cocky arsehole who also needs to wake up and smell the roses. I am not just some girl you can use as a fuck budy. I am not a winey little whore who needs your 'help' ok? Oh and before i forget youight want to go to the gym and working on your upper body strength, looking a little chubby there buddy." Ok well that was a lie, the guy was in perfect form and we both new that. I briefly looked over his body; Justin was a littler taller than me 5'9 or 6 foot maybe. His body wasn't over the top buff but still toned well, he was still wearing the school uniform but somehow it made him look even hotter and his eyes do not get me started on those beautiful blue eyes.

Oh god i sound like one of them love struck book characters from teen romances, this guy is oviously a player and a snob so why am i giving him a second thought? Stupid hormones, he must of noticed me checking him out because a smirk was on his lips. "Hmm your feisty and playing hard to get i see, well i acceot this challenge and trust me when i say i will succeed and make you screem my name."

"Ugh is that your catch phrase? 'I will succeed and make you scream my name'? God your a tool."

With that i grabbed an apple for lunch and raced back upstairs to my room.

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