Chapter Seventeen

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The devestating feelin that as a person I wasnt good enough was heart breaking as you can imagine. But once the first tear left my eye i was unable to stop all the feelings i have held locked up within me over the past weeks making an unwanted appearance in my life. Lying face down on my bed, with the gloomiet music i owned in my ipod library, i simply cried and it got to the stage where i couldn't stop the sobs. At one point Justin was at my door saying something i couldnt comprehend in my crying state. A voice in the back of my mind urged me to pull myself together, but i just couldnt obey i needed this time to cry over every crappy thing that has happened to me. Justin was back and he said something about leaving food at the door if i wantd it.

My stomach grumbled in agreement, i got up and ate the pizza Justin had left me. After finishing the two slices i felt better. The uncontrolable crying was over, now just a few stray tears ran down my face. Lying back down i started to rub my eyes and forehead, crying takes a lot of energy and i felt incredibly drained. I was starting to like Justin and i honestly thought he liked me too but i guess i was as stupid as the girls in the movies or romance novels who think they can change the player bu they never can and always get their hearts broken. I couldnt shut up the nagging voice in my head who constantly reminded me of all the sweet thing he has done for me and the way it felt with his lips on mine or his hands touching me. But what about the girl in the lunch room, or the girl he has downstairs. I had never experienced jealousy to this extreme before, it had gutted me seeing Jusdtin kiss that girl at lunch and tonight having a completely different girl snuggling up with him. I was instantly aware of the fact that Justin walked in my room, he sat down and looked at my red and teary eyes from crying.

"Whats up with you?" His voice was filled with worry and i felt nervouce with Justin seeing me like this. "Urm..." I wiped all the remaining tears off my face and sat up with my legs crossed. "It's nothing." I tried to smile but i failed appallingly. "Yeah sure, because normal people lock themselves in their rooms and cry, tell me whats rong." His concern brought little flutters in my chest which i quickly shooed away, "Dont worry about it Justin okay? You wont understand."

He was silent for a moment before replying, "So i wont understand, how you came home saw me watching a movie with Linda and stormed up to your room and started a crying party?" Justin laid down where I was sitting and started tracing my kneecap with his index finger. "You know Linda is going through a crappy time and we were paired up as partners in English, I let her rest because she needs to sleep. Plus she isnt my type really so dont even bother getting jelouse."

I was shocked with what he said and the only reply my brain could muster up was: "And what is your type exactly?" Justin looked into my eyes, "Lets just skip this awkward stuff and get down to business. I like you and you like me so lets stop the jelousy and the foreplay, and go on a date." I was speechless; did Justin just ask me out? Wait do i really want to go on a date with him? I nodded my head unable to think up a reply, Justin's smirk grew and he lightly kissed my cheek. "Come on lets get some sleep." Pushing me down on the bed beside him Justin pulled the covers over both of us and rolled on his side to face me. "Did you seriously just ask me out?" I still couldnt get over that fact. "I seriously asked you out on a date, im not really good with awkward situations, hence why i just asked you without working my way up to the question." "Makes sense i guess. Where are you going to take me?" "It's a suprise, but you wont have to het dressed up." Justin started playing with a strand of my hair, "So what are you doing tomorow night?" I smiled, "Going on a date with you." An enormous yawn escaped me and Justin soon coppied my yawn, "Sounds like a plan! Goodnight Gabe." "Goodnight Justin."

I had fifteen minutes before my date with Justin and i had two different hair styles. One half of my head had straight hair while the other had small little curls. My day had gone really quickly and i felt like i barely had enough time to scratch myself. It felt like minutes ago i was woken up by Justin's snoring, the next i am trying to decide what to do with my hair. Finally coming to the dicision of little curls, i fix up the other half of my hair. Straitening my blue blouse i looked at myself in the mirror. Justin told me not to bother with dressing up and he refused to reveal the location of the date. I had a tight dark blue blouse on with my black skiny jeans, little make-up on and my black flats. I could hear banging noises from downstairs but i remembered what Justin had said to me hours ago. "Do not, under any circumstances come down those stairs." My curiosity was through the roof but i remained upstairs like a good girl. I could hear someone walking up the stairs and then a door shut loudly. Justin must be getting changed i guess.

Leave it to a guy to leave getting dressed to the last minute. Within minutes there was a light knock on my door before Justin walked in. His eyes looked over my body as mine were his. Justin had black jeans on with a grey t-shirt and his hair was light tousled. Justin looked hot, no point denying it. "You look..." We both started to talk at the same time, so Justin cleared his throat and said: "Let me go first. You look amazing Gabe." "Not too bad yourself." Justin smirked and pulled out a blind fold, without waiting for me to question the reason for the blind fold it was already over my head and covering my eyes. "What the hell Justin?" "It's a surprise just wait and see," With that Justin took my hand in his and he slowly led me down the stairs.

Once we were off the stairs Justin continued to lead me towards the front door maybe? I wasn't too sure whre he was taking me but the thrill of surprise had me in fits of giggles. I knew Justin would have a smirk on his face because of my random laughter, which just made me giggle harder. Suddenly Justin had stopped walking and slowly pulled the blind fold off my face. We were still in the house but it looked totally different.

We were standing in the dining room and the table had been set for two just as perfectly as a five star restaurant. The lights have been dimmed and i could smell scented candles burning somewhere. On the table was two bowls of past which look suspiciouslt like 'Moes fast past' but that didnt really matter to me. I looked around and i could see in the sitting room my favorite movie of all time 'White Chicks' was already set up ready to play on the T.V.

Justin saw me looking at the screen and said, "What better way to finish dinner than waching a great movie?" I looked back to the dining room and Justin guided me to my chair. "Wow this all looks amazing Justin, best first date ever so far!" Justin just smiled and we started to eat the pasta. "Oh my God this pasta is to die for." I had emptied my bowl in a very un-lady like mannor which was definitly not the wayyou were meant to eat pasta on a date but it was seriously yummy. Justin just laughed and took both our bowls to the kitchen and rinsed them before grabbing some sodas. "Glad you like it, shall we go watch the movie now?" I nodded my head, and we headed over to the lounge where Justin had his arm  wrapped around me and we watched the movie. As the movie began we were both laughing and Justin qouted perfectly as Brittney Wilson said: "Oh my God. You want to talk about mothers! Its mother time okay! Your mothers so dumb she went to Dr Dre for a Pap smear!" I busted out laughing, Justin did the voice so well it was hilarious and i couldn't help but quote Marcus Copeland: "Your mothers so old that her breast milk is powered, You breast-feed like this." I pretended to blow powder from my hand and both Justin and i were rolling around laughing. As we watched the movie both of us continued to quote the actors and laugh hysterically, there was about five minutes left of the movie when we could hear voices from out the front and then within seconds dad and Abby were walking into the sitting room and switched on the lights.

Luckily i had changed my position so my feet were resting in Justin's lap and there weren't any candles at the dinner table as evidence of any romantic activity. Abby just smiled at us, "Isn't it great to see our children getting along Jerry?" My father made a noise of agreement before dragging his small black suitcase towards the stairs. Abby hugged both Justin and i and then followed my father upstairs, "looks like their home again." I whispered saying it to nooned in particular. "It appears so; think we should keep us between us okay?" I nodded my head in agreement, "How are we going to keep me sleeping with you from them?" Justin smirked "We just have to be smart." Finishing the movie we made our way upstairs to bed because my dad kept yelling down to us to keep it down so he could sleep. I went into my room and changed into my pjs before going into Justin's room and into bed.

"Thank you for tonight Justin I had a great time." I honestly had the best first date ever, great food, amazing movie, constantly laughing what else do you need from a date? "Youre very welcome, But i forgot to do a traditional first date kiss." Disapointment was clear in his voice; I cupped his face in my hands before whispering "We still have time for that." Justin leaned towards me and pressed a light kiss to my nose before moving down to my lips, I returned the kiss but before it went any further i pulled away and lightly patted his face. "No crazed make-out sessions on a first date." Sighing Justin said his goodnights before rolling over and we both fell asleep.

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