Chapter Twenty Six

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Justin's P.O.V:

Two weeks had passed since Gabriel confused her love for me, and two weeks since she left. Over the past two weeks the smallest things reminded me of Gabriel, and with each memory brought an emptiness I couldn't understand. I hadn't noticed how much Gabriel filled up my day to day life until she was gone, and I couldn't help feel the regret of not following her.

 When I found the note and showed it to her father, he acted as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. I can remember his small sigh and shaky laugh, "Oh well, she obviously needed time away, and her aunt or whoever might be the best for her."

 I couldn't believe that the mans daughter found a letter from her dead mother then goes off to find her cousin in the middle of nowhere and he could not care less! My mam had confronted me that same night after dinner about what she saw between Gabriel and I, mam said that she would give me a second chance and forget all about it, as long as she never saw a sight like that again.

 I can remember the instant relief that swept through me, and remembered thinking to myself that I had to share the news with Gabe. But she had left and I had been a jerk and broke what was left of her heart. The last week of school passed slowly, Gabriel's friends were under the impression she had left early to visit her mothers family and would be returning for school next term. I wasn't as confident as the jocks about Gabriel's return.

 Sitting on my bed holding the note Gabriel left in my hands, I'm afraid of turning into the love crazed fool that chases after the girl. That one girl that makes everything you do feel right, the girl that gives you the strength to be her rock, that girl you would give your life for.

 Cursing myself for even thinking those thoughts and comparing them upon myself, I could feel disgust bubbling up inside of me. I am Justin Michaels, and I don't feel love for any chick that sucks my dick. Not that Gabriel has sucked my dick, Slapping my hands against my cheeks, trying to wipe my mind of the mental images of Gabe sucking my dick, I laid down on the bed the note still in my hands.

 I'm going to stay with Louise my cousin for a while. I need time to get a proper bearing of my life and an opportunity has appeared for me to do so. The number below is how you can contact me, if you need to. Goodbye for now. Gabriel x

 I had been weighing the pros and cons for days now, on whether I should call the number and go find Gabriel. Going over each pro and con again I came to the conclusion that I need to chase after Gabriel, after all that's what all the love crazed fools do.

"Flight to Greendale is now preparing for take-off; please fasten your seatbelts." I secured my seatbelt around me and the plane took off. Two days earlier I called the number Gabriel left and found out the address she was staying at through her cousin, who sounded like a relaxed women and easy to get along with. Booking the first flight available to Greendale, I prepared a small suitcase with the necessities and told mam I was going to a remote location to take pictures for a few days.

 Throughout my childhood my mam never really cared what I did, as long as I didn't use too much money and never got myself killed. She was more concerned about her next client than her own son, but I had grown to like her style of parenting, getting what I wanted when I wanted.

 Relaxing into my seat I continued to read the magazine and count down the two hours until I get to see Gabriel again and show her how I feel. The old taxi slowly pulled so a stop in front of a small little cottage surrounded by trees, and a large lake on the left hand side. Paying the taxi driver I got out of the car grabbing my bag in the process and walked to the front door.

 I was greeted by a small woman with bright red hair and a face covered in freckles. She looked me up and down before stretching her hand out to me, "Hey there sweets, you must be Justin, I'm Louise but please call me Lou." A smile consumed her face as we exchanged small talk; I entered the small cottage and placed my bags down in the entrance. "You'll be lookin' for Gabriel then? She'll be outside somewhere," thanking Lou I began my search for Gabriel. Which turned out to be a total of sixty seconds, I stepped one foot outside and there she was.

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