Chapter Twenty Seven

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This is the last chapter. Hope you have enjoyed the story. Of course it isn't my story but I still enjoyed re-righting it and re-uploading it on here :)

Four weeks later:

"Justin, Gabriel! Get up for school!" Abby's voice brought me abruptly out of my slumber, groaning I rolled out of my bed and started to get ready into the summer uniform. Our Lady had two different uniforms for winter and summer; the summer uniform consisted of a thick white and navy dress. Once I finished getting ready I left my room and walked downstairs, greeted by a smiling Abby. When Justin and I had returned from Louise's cottage two days before school commenced, we were shocked to find out that my father and Abby's relationship is on 'hold' for the time being.

 My father has been out and about taking on hard core cases, while Abby took up the role of a working mam. Without my father around, Abby was actually pretty tolerable, even though every now and then I could happily stab her. But aside from that she was hardly ever in my hair and gave me the independence I wanted. "Hey Gabster," Abby's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I smiled at her nickname, one of the few I liked. "Your lunch is on the counter, I'll be late home tonight okay? But have a good day and I'll see you tonight."

 I nodded my head and grabbed an apple on the way out of the house, squeezing her shoulder on the way out. Sitting in my care I took a big bite out of my apple and waited for Justin to get his butt in the car. When we returned, I had explained to Abby about my feelings for Justin and how he felt the same way. I actually opened up to her and retold Abby everything that had happened between Justin and I over the months I had been living here. Once Abby understood everything and as long as she didn't witness any signs of affection and we slept in separate beds, she said she wouldn't discourage the relationship.

 This shocked both Justin and I, but neither of us are complaining. I guess we're labelled a 'couple' now, over the break we bonded on many levels and we are closer now than ever before. Over the break with Justin's help I was able to have a proper grieving of my mother's death, and now every night I slept nightmare free without Justin beside me. The car door opened and Justin sat beside me in the passenger seat, "Good morning sexy." Justin grabbed my hands and brought my face to his, giving me a sweet 'good morning' kiss.

 Pulling away I patted his hand before turning the care on, "Good morning." Driving to school Justin and I talked about aimless topics and it was normal, the normal relationship I didn't know I had always wanted. Finally arriving at school Justin and I said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, I headed over to Chris and the others while they all made kissing noises mocking Justin and I. Lightly hitting Chris' arm we headed off to classes.

 It  was the last half of my senior year and I have been putting all my energy into each subject, since basketball had been put on a part time schedule to cater for the seniors. Abby put hardly any pressure on me and my grades; it was amazing how much someone could change being away from my father.

 I am still undecided about what I truly want to do with my life, before I thought I wanted to be a counsellor but now I wasn't too sure. Justin seemed to be in the same boat as me and at the end of the school year, we plant to take a gap year and travel around Europe with Lia and her mam.

 Drama in my life has slowed down to a stop and now I understand the true being of happiness, I can fully appreciate my new and old friends, and of course love Justin without hurt holding my heart in its hand.


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