Chapter Nine

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For the next four days all I did was: go to school, eat, train, have nightmares and train some more. Pushing myself to my limit each morning and night helped take away the pain of the nightmare that would stay imprinted in my mind all through the day. Each morning when I awoke form the nightmare I would put on a pair of trainers and run around the block, and after school each day the guys would work out with me. We did drills, worked on weights and did resilience training. Dad and Abby have been home this week but they mainly kept to themselves. Ever since the kiss Justin has been living up in his room and when dad and Abby had to go out; he would have a different girl in his room doing God knows what.

It is currently Friday afternoon and the home-time bell just rang, unlike the other students I didn’t race out to the car park and speed away. I walked slowly to my locker and grabbed my sports bag with my change of clothes and walked out to my car.  Today the guys were meeting me at Chris’ brother’s gym, and we were going to do a complete work out with the latest equipment – well that’s what Chris says. At lunch Chris wrote down directions to the gym, and I was hoping to God they were correct; mam always said never trust a guy with directions.

I keyed in the address to the gym on my sat nav and drove where the computer voice directed me; I turned on the radio and Eminem feat. Royce Da 5’9 and Bruno Mars ‘Lighters’ was playing. I sung along with Bruno at the top of my lungs, and when Eminem started to rap I just started nodding my head because he rapped to fast for me to sing along too.

It took fifteen minutes for me to get to the gym and once I parked the car, I grabbed my sports bag and walked into the female change room. I got into my black shorts and white sports bra and bounced into the main area where I found a group of guys that I call friends checking me out. “Yo! Guys eyes are up here.” I smiled and looked at an older looking Chris, “Hey I’m Gabriel, and you must be Chris’ big brother.” “My name is Randy, don’t you hesitate if you need any help what so ever. I mean it anything.” Randy gave me a suggestive look and I nearly laughed, the guy was five years older than me yet he thought he had a chance to get into my pants. “Sure,” I looked around the gym then back to Chris and the others, “Ready for me to kick your arses?”

We all jumped onto the treadmills and started a light jog that slowly increased into a full on sprint. Mike and I were the fastest in the group, but I managed to run just the slightest bit faster than Mike and win the first round. We then moved to the rowing machine and I seriously thought my arms were going to fall off, that shit is hard and impossible. The guys made it look easy and the competitive streak in me was clearly showing as I started screaming in defeat.

Next we paired up and started throwing medicine balls to one another. I was paired up with Jay and it was quite funny, watching Jay pull faces as I threw the heavy ball to him and Jay nearly dropping it on his toes. We had been working out for 30 minutes and I was exhausted, I was glad to see I wasn’t alone, Jay and Freddie looked like they were about to fall asleep. Mike and Chris seemed to have endless supply of energy; I needed to become fit like that. I continued to push myself and after being at the gym for two hours we finally called it quits.

I smelled like shit and I was counting down the minutes till I could take a long shower, as we were walking out Jay grabbed me around the waist and the other guys circled me. “Because you made the team, tou have to go to a welcoming ceremony tomorrow night!” Chris had a mysterious voice on and Mike started laughing and said: “Yeah the welcoming ceremony, 7 o’clock sharp be at this address.” He handed me a piece of paper with and address written on it. I was instantly suspicious about this welcoming party but I wouldn’t back down, whatever they had planned it wouldn’t faze me. “Sure! I’ll see you all tomorrow.” I waved then walked to my car, sports bag in hand and drove home.

Pulling into the drive way I never thought I would feel happier to see my new house. I walked through the doors to bump into Abby. “Oh hey Gabby!” “Hey Abby,” I looked down at her handbag and laptop case. “Are you going somewhere?” “Yeah your father and I are needed to go on a business outing for the company, so you’ll have the house to yourself.” Wow they went out a lot, “I guess you’re really important to the company, always working through the weekend and having meetings.” Abby smiled and hugged me, “Yes we are, see you honey.”

I walked upstairs and was standing in the hallway about to enter the bathroom when I heard a girls voice coming from Justin’s room “If anyone asks, I fell on your dick.” Wow the slut can’t even make up her own sayings, what she just said is a Facebook group. I could hear Justin’s deep laughter and then a hushed scream, followed with “Oh Justin, harder!” Oh my dear baby Jesus, I can’t believe I am standing here hearing this. I shook my head and walked into the bathroom and turned the water on to block out the sounds that were coming from Justin’s bedroom. As u stepped into the shower I felt my body un-tense and the hot water wash over my skin felt superb. I rubbed soap over every inch of my body, and shampooed the life out of my hair. Steam filled the room and I started to think over Justin’s sudden change of attitude, I knew he was a player but what was with having sex with random people every time Abby and dad was out? Maybe he needed to see a doctor about his need for sex. I started to feel sleepy in the shower so I turned it odd and wrapped a towel around my body. I went into my room and put on my pyjamas, letting my short wet hair hang to my face.

I went downstairs into the living room and switched on the telly, and ‘P.S I love you’ was playing. I got comfortable and started watching the movie; I didn’t get too far into the movie when sexual noises again came from Justin’s room. Doesn’t the boy need a break? Moaning, grunting and the slut screaming out “Justin!” over and over was starting to annoy the shit out of me. I got up off the couch and stomped up stairs to Justin’s room where I opened the door and yelled: “Can you please shut the fuck up? Justin you may love having sex but I do not love hearing it! If you’re going to continue to turn this house into a place where all the sluts go to get laid, I am going to make you regret ever losing your virginity!” Justin looked up at me; the slut was under the sheet on top of Justin. “Mia? How about we go to your place? My step sister is being up tight and acting like an old women.” I glared at Justin and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

The nightmare yet again woke me up crying, I was becoming unwilling to sleep and I’m considering going to a doctor to get sleeping pills. I got out of bed went downstairs and started to do house work, washing dishes, mopping the floors, and dusting. Justin never came home last night so the house was empty and I felt alone and no matter how much house work I did I felt scared. The nightmares were coming becoming worse, more graphic and changing from the original memory. Flash backs started to erupt in my mind, and I felt my legs collapse from under me. Sitting in the study feather duster in my hand I sat on the floor without any emotions or thoughts crossing my mind, I felt like pure numb and distantly I wonder if this is what depression felt like, maybe I would end up like my dead mother. Alone, depressed and dead.

Someone was touching my shoulder, calling my name. Hours, no maybe years, months, weeks, and minutes have passed. I don’t know for sure how long, time didn’t matter anymore.

A burning sensation spread across my cheek, ouch. “Gabriel look at me now! For fucks sake women, what happened?” that voice of a male pulled me out of my numbed state and my eyes cleared and showed me none other than the face of Justin. Well this is awkward, how do I explain what happened to me? How the nightmare makes me crazy? I looked at Justin and his concerned facial expression, “Sorry I spaced out, I guess housework can do that to a girl.” I tried to smile but failed miserably. “Yeah sure. Gabe… You do know you can tell me anything right? I won’t judge you or tell your dad. I will listen and you won’t have to face your fears alone.” Wow that is the most heartfelt thing Justin has ever said to me, or to anyone while I have been living with him. “I know, thanks Justin. Um what time is it?” “Around 1 o’clock.” Oh fudge the welcoming ceremony is in six hours. I sighed and stood up. My muscles sore from being in the same awkward position all morning, I smiled at Justin and said. “Can you drive me somewhere tonight? I still don’t know my way around.” He looked uncertain for a moment before a grin spread across his face, “Sure!”

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