Chapter One

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I walked through the door with a smile on my face. Peter the hottest guy in school, just asked me out!! I have been crushing on that boy since pre-school amd he asked me out to dinner saturday night!

The house was quiet, which isn't normal because mom always has retro music playing or TV playing at full volume. "Mom?" I call out but no one answers, i walk into the kitchen and put my school bag down. I go into our simple lounge room; it has a three seater couch, coffee table and a 55inch flat screen TV. Mom isn't in the lounge room, maybe she is in the bath reading her novel. I walk down the hallway that is covered in pictures of me and mom, none ofthem with dad because he is never here. I knock on the bathroom door "Mom?" No reply so i open the door a crack, then a little more no one is in the bathroom and i start to panic. Where is she? Mom hasn't sent me a text saying she has left the house, maybe in her bedroom sleeping? I open the door without knocking and see mom lying on the bed fully clothed and as pale as Edward cullen. I walk over to the bed and shake her shoulder, no response. I touch herface and gasp. She is freaking freezing! I look over to the bedside table and see all these empty bottles of anti-depressent pills, "MOM WAKE UP NOW!!" I try to find a pulse, but ther are not any signs of life coming off her. I pull out my phone and dial the emergancy number and start crying uncontrolably; within the next 30 minutes my mom is in the hospital morgue announced dead because of a drug overdose. I sat in the hospital chairs crying my eyes out, until my father walked into the room and told me to shut up.

I woke up with tears streaming down my face and just for a minute i think its all a dream, but it isn't. Ever since she died the memory of finding her body has given me nightmares every single night. I look around my new room and see it looks just like my old room, and that's howi want it to be. My double bed is in the middle of the room and to my right is a full length mirror with pictures of all my friends surrounding it. To my left is my desk with my laptop, ipod docking station set up and all my books on the shelves. There are a few differneces i cannot help like the fact that my walls sre white and i have a walk in wardrobe now, in my old room my walls were lavender and i had the worlds smallest wardrobe. After the funeral father gave mr 48 hours to pack up all the things i wished to keep from my old house and everything else he would sell and give me the profit. I live an hour and 45 minutes away from my school and all my friends, and my father has enrolled me into this expensive private school that my soon to be step brother attends. This new house is fit for the Queen; every single thing looks breakable and brand new. The house doesn't look lived in at all and more importantly it doesn't feel like a home, more like a place to sleep after a day at work. I already hate my new life and i'm counting down the days until my 18th birthday so i can move out, i think i would have preffered to move in with a foster family or an orphanage then live with my father and his new family. I still can't get over the fact that he is going to marry the whore and i've only been here 24 hours and i already know he has a better relationship with my step brother, than with me. I haven't actually met the son yet and i don't plan to get to know him that well because by the looks if everything here, he is probably a big snob and possibly a player because honestly all snobs are. On the car ride here dad and Abby told me all about their love affair, from the first time they met (apparently they both work at the same law firm and it was love at first sight) to their first kiss ( 4th July, original much?) Blah blah blah they fell in love and moved in together and apparently my father has been waiting for a while now to drop the 'M' bomb but felt he had to wait for the right time because of me and my mother. Honestly Abby looks like a nice woman but seriously her 24/7 act pisses me off and she has already started to act like my mother.

I groaned. I want to go home and i want my mother back, but sadly that isn't going to happen and i need to suck it up. I grabbed my phine from under my pillow and checked the time 3:45 am, ugh i am never going to be able to get back to sleep. Stupid nightmare. I got up out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water, what am i going to do for 4 hours? I guess i could go outside and exercise, i went over to the backdoor and slipped outsie. It is a cold morning and the sky is a dark blue colour, the yard was small with a simple outside entertainment area and a tiny bit of lawn. I sat down on the grass and let the coolness of it erase the memories of the dream away, i sighed i felt like going for a run but 3am in the morning might not be the best time. I started doing sit ups, and after 30 i turned my body over and did push ups. I got up and did jumping jacks and started running up and down the lawn until i started to swrat. See i am a fitness freak and every single sport my old school offered i signed up for: basketball, netball, baseball, volleyball, high jump, long jump, cross country running, football and tennis. And i can simply not survive the daywithout some sort of exercise; it relaxed me and makes my problems fade away.

I was exhausted i had spent 4 hours running up and down the grass, doing jumping jacks, sit ups and push ups. It us now 7am and i was desperately in need of a shower, i think my dad and Abby are up and getting ready for work or something because the lights were on in the house and i could hear voices. I guess i have to face the day; i walked into the house and saw that a young man about my age was sitting at the table eating breakfast. He looked up and smiled when i entered the room "so i presume you're Gabby right? Well i'm Justin you're new brother-kind of." He had a deep voice and such a handsome face, his eyes a clear blue, hair light brown and he had just a slight tan and from what i could see toned body. I also noticed he was wearing a school uniform, wich was ugly grey pants, white shirt and navy blue blazer. Ugh please tell me that is not the school uniform i am suposed to wear, i hate uniforms! "Oh hey yeah Gabriel, do me a favor? No nicknames." I walked passed Justin and went upstairs to my room. I suddenly didn't feel tired. I got out of my PJ's and put some leggins amd a tank top and trainers on. Maybe a run will help settle me down. I grabbed my ipod and ran downstairs and reached the door when someone called my name "GAbriel? Is that you?" Ugh Abby i really don't want to deal with her right now i just want to run. "Hey Abby, i'm just going to go for a run." "Oh wait a tic; i think i'm in the mood for a run too!" Great, not what i had planned. Femalr bonding with my soon to be step mother. Abby reached the bottom of the stairs and we walked out the door, we started to jog down the street when Abby started to make conversation. "So Gabby, do you like your new home?" Again with the nicknames, something about them pissed me off. My name is Gabriel not Gabby stupid. "Yeah it's lovely." "I know it's a new home, suburb anf school but you are truely going to love it here! We can finally be one happy family isn't that great? I know you just lost your mother, but i am a terrific mother just ask Justin so anything you need just let me no ok Gabby?" "Whrre do you cone off? My mother just died and i find out my father is engaged, and i have to move in with him and his new family! I haven't seen my father in months and when i do it is only for a few hours, he doesn't know me from a bar of soap! I have to leave everyone who gives a shit about meto come live with you and your happy family when i've just lost mine! Lets just get this clear. You. Will. Never. Replace. My. Mother! And i am counting down the days till my 18th birthday so i can leave and go back home and live with my friends ok? This us not a happy family and i will not settle in here, you are all strangers to me and you want to know something? My mother always told me never trust strangers."

With that i ran off as fast as i could, which is pretty fast i win every race i compete in. All the houses started to blur together the faster i ran but i didn't care. I let loose of everything that was wound up inside of me and just ran. The wind blowing against my cheek always brought a smile to my face, even in my darkest moods and i started to feel at peace.

I finally found my way home after an hour of running, and found my father waiting at the front steps pacing. Obviously Abby had gone straight back home and cried to dad, super! "Gabby, we need to have a talk."

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