Chapter Eleven

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Justin's P.O.V.

As I left Gabriel in the hands of her jock friends I walked over to Mia, who earlier in the week showed me that virgins were just as fun as sluts. As soon as she saw me approach her she turned to all the girls surrounding her and started whispering things, when I came to a stop in front of the girls I smiled at each of them warmly.

"Hey there girls," I looked Mia in the eye. "Hello there Mia, care to dance?" I held out my hand towards her and noticed the blush creeping up her face. I nearly laughed out loud at the sight of the blush, she obviously still thought about what happened the other night a lot. Though can you blame the girl, I am astonishing in bed. She took my hand and we slowly moved away from the group of girls, an d as we started to dance in time to the rhythm of the music my eyes looked over the crowds of people in search of one person.

I found her standing near the door, her face pale and still shaken from the scare earlier that night. I watched her as she continued to drink cup after cup of alcohol, an emotion swept over me that I couldn't make out. Was it concern, worry for my stepsister? I don't think I have ever worried about any other person before in my life, and the emotion was new to me.

As the night went on I kept my eyes on Gabriel, constantly watching and making sure she didn't get into trouble. Mia grinding on me was slowly becoming a bore, I knew she wanted me and all that crap but seriously been there, done that. I leant down and whispered in her ear, "Mia sweetie, care for a drink?"

She smiled up at me and nodded her head, "Don't be gone too long." She sounded disgustingly desperate and I was glad to be rid of her and I headed in the direction of Gabriel.

When I finally reached the point of my destination I found that Gabriel had disappeared and the room had suddenly gone quiet. I looked around the room and saw the parted crowd of people and  as a random girl with short blonde hair and great boobs walked through the crowd like it was a catwalk she was singing along with Mike Posner. She suddenly stopped and I saw stunned Gabriel with an enormous smile upon her face sing the next lines in the song, then the two girls were in each others arms.

I had no idea who the hell this girl was but she is clearly close with Gabe so I thought I should go introduce myself to the girl with the big chest while checking up on Gabriel. "Hello girls!" I shouted above the loud music, "My name is Justin and I am at your service." I grabbed the blonde girl's hand and kissed it, while my eyes stayed glued with Gabriel's.

"Helloo there hottie! My name is Lia and honey you will do more than service me." The blonde headed girl - Lia was giggling uncontrollably and it was clear she had a couple of pre-party drinks before her grand entrance. Gabriel on the other and, had a look of disgust on her face and grabbed Lia, "Lia stay away from him," Lia gave Gabriel a challenging look and I was honestly enjoying this little encounter. "Is he yours?" Lia asked, Gabriel started laughing and said in-between laughter. "Ew no, just stay away ok? That is my soon to be step-brother and he is a freaking player. Justin has probably got a few diseases, am I right?"

Gabriel looked at me then I chose to ignore her little dig, I smiled at the girls. "Well as much fun as this has been I have to get back to my date. Oh and Gabriel come and get me when you want to go home, don't try to drive you'll end up killing yourself."

With that I walked towards Mia and continued to flirt with her, but always keeping my eyes on Gabriel and her friend Lia. It was nearing the end of the night and Mia was starting to annoy me. She had tried more than once to drag me into a dark corner and have sex with me, but for once in my player life I wasn't in the mood. It was around 3:30 am and the party is slowly dying, I walked Mia over to the group of girls she was with before and said "Hey babe I have to go home now, i'll talk to you later."

 Without waiting for a reply I walked away and straight towards Gabriel and her beyond tipsy friend Lia. I grabbed both Gabriel and Lia's arms. "Time to leave girls," Gabe was in a bit of a mess, and as she tried to debate with me; she kept tumbling over her words and I couldn't make out what she was saying. Without waiting for her to spit out what she was trying to say, I dragged both girls out to the car and drove home. By the time I pulled up in the drive way Lia was asleep on Gabriel's shoulder and Gabe is singing random lyrics from different songs. I picked Lia up and put her over my shoulder, unlocking the front door and dumping her on the couch. I turned around and saw Gabriel stumbling around the house trying to find the stairs, I grabbed her hand and directed her up the stairs and into her bedroom.

After I put Gabriel to bed I collapsed on my bed and fell into a dreamless sleep, only to be awoken to what felt like minutes later to someone snuggling close to my body.

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