Chapter Twenty Three

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+My breath was coming quickly as I dribbled the ball down the centre half of the court. There was ten minutes left on the clock and we were down losing by eight points. I bounced passed to Chris and he continued to defend the ball off the other team and pass it to Jay who lined up for the goal but apparently the ball had other ideas and hit off the ring and the other team caught the rebound off we were again running down the court.

I have to admit playing against teenage boys in basketball was easy in theory but actually in  practice I wouldn't recommend it. But as the determined person I am, I was up for any challenge and I didn't want to give up my spot on the team. I manage to het the ball off this major blonde headed dick and pass it off to Mike and run down the court some more and receive a chest pass from Jay and shoot my fist goal of the game.

The crowd was cheering and as I took a quick sip of my drink bottle on the side of the court I caught a glimpse of Justin and standing next to him was my dad and Abby. My heart did a little flip hoping that my father and Abby were here cheering me on like mam used to and finally opened their eyes to see who I really am. Justin sent me a thumbs up before I went back into the game to play the last five minutes.

The rest of the game I tried to get the ball off the opposing team but they continued to play slow and pass to one an other, no doubt trying to use up time in the game and secure their lead. The blonde dick that had been on me most of the game was slowly eating the last straw of my patience, the whole game he had been giving me suggestive looks and finding any opportunities to bump into me and 'accidently' touch my boobs.

Chris had managed to get the ball and soon enough it had came into my possession, dribbling it to the key I was about to make the shoot when Blondie pinched my ass. Dropping the ball I turned around and slapped his face and the cheek turned red raw like a tomato. "Do that again and you'll be bleeding. I've had enough of your male pig moves and you'll be thanking your lucky stars if I don't report you for sexual harassment buddy."

The game had gone into a standstill and the crowd had turned pretty much silent. I was surprised that no one had picked up the ball, so I picked it up and got the points I freaking deserved. The umpire came up to Blondie and me and sent us both off the court for the rest of the game which turned out to be sixty or something seconds.

Once I was on the side lines Coach came up to me, "You played a good game, not the best I've seen up to now but still pretty good. Don't you worry about that young man sweets I'll be speaking to his coach and reports will be filed." "Thanks coach, i'm going to hit the showers okay?"

Nodding his head and he turned his attention to the rest of the team and the remaining seconds of the game. Once I was outside the gym I made my way over to the female showers and change rooms where I quickly rinsed off and got dressed in fresh shorts and a t-shirt. Humming along to Lady Gaga's 'Born this way' I made my way to the car park where everyone was standing around talking and preparing to go to some party.

I strolled over to Justin and Abby. "Hey great game girlfriend!" Abby no doubt trying to sound 'young' and 'hip' gave me a small hug. "Thanks it meant a lot to see you and dad in the crowds." And no matter what my father had said or done it did mean heaps to me that he cared enough to watch a high school basketball game. "That was all Justin's doing dear, he thought it would help bring us all together and it was great to see you get in there and play with the boys."

"Well thanks Justin, it really was the highlight of the game seeing you all there." Justin looked at me then and I sent him a secret smile, "No problems Gabe, I know you'd do the same for little old me." We all started laughing and it felt nice but my fathers appearance quickly turned the light mood sour. His facial expression was dark and I swear he looked like and evil murderer. Doesn't he believe in smiling or I don't know having a little joy in our lives? I honestly don't know what Abby sees in him, but in my eyes at times they are as bad as each other.

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