Chapter Twenty Two

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Sitting in my room on my bed I was trying to convince Lia that Justin and I were just 'messing around.' "Come on Gab, when I was there at that party he kept starring at you like some stalker possessive boyfriend." I groaned for what felt like the hundredth time this phone call, "Lia be serious please! Justin is a top class player who just wants some fun with me and being honest a little fun in my diet isn't going to hurt."

Lia's laughter filled the other end of the phone and I fell backwards on to the bed, because the conversation was starting to drain my energy. "Honey listen here, I'm going to say this once and one time only. The boy loves you Gabriel, what language do you need me to say it in? Il ragazzo ti ama or maybe you'll understand French, Le garcon vous aime." I was getting sick and tired of arguing with Lia over Justin, I was starting to sound like one of attention seeking girls who just wants everyone to convincer her of the guys feelings.

"Lia just drop it ok? You can think he loves me all you like, but that doesn't change the g=fact that he does not love me." "Can I ask you one question and I will drop the subject?" I let out a sigh, "Yeah one question and that's it though!"

"Gab, do you love him? Not puppy love, not Damon Salvatore love - real love like I can see myself spiting out your kids love." I thought the question over, did I really love Justin? "Lia I don't know if I love, love him. But I do feel a strong like towards him, but seriously spitting out his kids? I'm not even sure I want kids, let alone his!"

I was being extra careful not to use Justin's name to much just in case he was listening to my conversation or dad and Abby walked passed my room. "Oh okay babe, but if you dig deep down in that heart of yours and ignored your brain I think you might realise that you love him. And don't make fun of me, its not my fault! I am in agonising pain from the visit of Aunt Flo."

I laughed; 'Aunt Flo' was Lia's way of telling me she had her period. Just hearing that brought back so many memories especially the time Lia's crush had asked what Lia meant by Aunt Flo. "Ah good times, well I got to go babe homework is calling me. Hope you feel better Lia, love you!"

After saying our goodbyes and the typical 'no you hang up' argument was over I sat up and thought back over the fight my father and I had gotten into earlier. I had just walked in the door and my father had called me over to the sitting room and being the good obedient girl I am I went into the sitting room and asked my father what he wanted.

"The school called," Nothing good ever comes after that statement and I should have seen the warning signs and made a run for it - but no I stood there and asked what the school wanted. "They informed me about your grades and ability to handle the tasks given. I am not impressed missy and I guess I have no one to blame but your mother, never should I have left her in charge of your education."

The memory brought all the rage from earlier that afternoon and I can remember my response perfectly. "Excuse me? If you wanted to be involved in my life whatsoever you knew where I lived but no you were busy having an affair with Abby and starting up a life here and leaving your daughter to be raised by her mother. And don't you dare say shit about mams job as a parent because at least she was always there for me not like you!"

I remember looking to my left to see Justin enter the room and looked between my father and me and as we continued to say things to one an other Justin stepped in between us and then I escaped to my room. It was kind of annoying me how each time I talked with that man we would get into an argument over my schooling and how my mother wasn't a good enough parent in his eyes.

I was confused to his sudden interest in my schooling and my life now that I lived under his roof, three months ago I hadn't had a mere phone call let alone seen the man I call my father face to face! Shaking my head I refused to get upset over him and set my mind into aiming to survive here until break and then I can return to my true home and see Lia and everyone from my old life.

Thinking through how it would feel to be back in my hometown I came to the realisation that my mam wouldn't be there and everything would be different. The whole feel of 'home' wouldn't be the same as I had imagined it to be, and the hope of being home was replaced with a feeling of emptiness. Living here in the city wasn't that bad, when you think about it.

The guys on the team were great friends and I knew with more time it would be like we've known each other our whole lives. The teachers in class were okay and if I over look the fact i'm a little behind the lessons they set are kind of cool. Last but not least Justin.

Could I just up and leave him for three weeks? Living with him and sharing a bed with him had become so normal that I couldn't imagine not having Justin with me. Maybe 'home' is where I am now, with Justin and the guys on the team.

I thought back over to the fight I had earlier with dad and I knew with that monster living here with me that this was no home for me and I don't know how much longer I can hold in the built up anger towards him. Thoughts of my father settled over internal debates about 'home' and I was determined to stay with Lia for school break.

"Ready to pick up where we left off?" Justin whispered, we were in his bed and I was wrapped in blankets I was ready to fall asleep any second. "I am dead tired Justin, you had me working the books for hours! And school eats all of my energy; cant we have an early night?"

A huge yawn over took me and I moved my body so I was now facing Justin, "It's only...ten o'clock how can you be tired already?!" I sent Justin a playful glare, "Not all of us are night owls like you Justin." Justin moved closer to me and his hand was creeping up my thigh, "Gabe, I know you want to."

The way my stomach fluttered when his hand crept up my thigh I knew I wanted to but some part of my brain wouldn't shut up and kept nagging me to stop him before things got out of hand. What could I say to make him stop? Obviously the fact that I'm about to fall asleep isn't stopping him. I was beginning to regret teasing him damn I should of thought of the repercussions of my actions.

"Justin i'm not in the mood, please let me sleep?" A loud sigh came from Justin before he removed his hand from my thigh and rolled over, his back now facing me I touched his shoulder lightly. "Thank you, and Justin? Don't go raping me in my sleep just because of your teenage hormones." Justin grunted and I rolled over and embraced sleep with open arms.

"Wake up! Gabe don't make me get a bucket full of water!" Justin's voice rudely awoke me from my slumber and I was not a happy bunny. "Why?" was the only word my brain could through together in its sleepy state and in a distant part of my brain I knew this was karma for waking Justin up all the time.

"Your dad is up and in about 5 minutes he is going to come my room and wake me up for school." I groaned and sat up, "How are you awake? School isn't for another 2 hours or something." "I heard your dad get up and you kept kicking me in your sleep." "Oh sorry about that," "Yeah yeah, be sorry about it later right now you need to get out and go into your room without getting caught."

Listening to Justin's instructions I got up and quietly opened the bedroom door and top-toed down the hall. "Gabriel! What are you doing up and why are you coming from Justin's room?" My fathers sharp voice ruined all thoughts of being able to slip into my bed without being caught. "I, urm, uh, had to... Oh I remembered that thing that I had to remember."

Wow real smooth Gabriel, real smooth. "And what is this 'thing'" "Oh you know that thing... for school! Yeah that's it!" Wow I am so going to win an award for the performance I'm giving right now. "I know exactly what you were doing missy." Ah hell what am I meant  to say now? I'd seen enough movies and TV shows to know that if someone says they know what you were doing or planning you should let them speak first before you muck things up.

"Trying to play pranks on Justin, disturbing his sleep what type of person does that?" Oh thank God he thinks I'm playing pranks on Justin, "Oh, um yeah that's what I was doing. Damn you caught me, sorry?" "I don't want to see you being this immature and childish again understand?" I nodded my head and went into my room to start getting ready for school.

"Alright team listen up! The game tomorrow night is a big one and I want everyone playing to their best ability! Gabriel will be joining us to fight for the last place in the semi-finals for the state high school basketball. Tomorrow night we will be playing St Patricks and as you all know we are in for a hard game so everyone pair up and get y'all hearts racing!"

Coach blew the whistle and everyone got to training. I was standing in the school gym after another long and boring day at school and I was pumped to play tomorrow. Chris grabbed my shoulder to get my attention. "Yo Gab are you in there? Come on be my partner." "Oh sorry Chris lost in thought. Let's go train bro!"

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