Chapter Eight

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i walked into my bedroom and immediatly pulled some underwear and one of my mother's blue summer dresses. Justin was reacting just how i expeted him to - being a huge jerk. i think my brain was in la-la land when i kissed the guy, unless i was drugged or brainwashed becuase no sane person would kiss a player like Justin. It's silly really, in all the nooks i read the main character always falls for the player and makes him fall for her - therefore giving up the player lifestyle to be with the girl. Every time i read those books i am left frustrated and annoyed over the fact that the stupid girl didn't see what a jer the player truly is, but look at the situation i am in right now. i am the stupid girl from those silly books.

i sighed internally, better get this over and done with and see what he has to say. i stormed out of my room and walked straight to Justin's without knocking i opened the door and walked in. "What is it justin?" i said, voice filled with venom. "Well don't you like to make an entrance. Hello to you too by the way." Justin gave me a corny smile that i just wanted to slap off.

"Well?" i asked. i looked around Justin's room and saw it looked creepy organized - even his bed was made and there weren't any dirty laundry in sight! "Finished inspecting my room? up to your standards?" his face still held that corny smile, and i glared at him.

"God do you have this many mood swings all month? or just before you get your period?" i was shocked that Justin said that, i walked over to where he was sitting on the edge of the bed and slapped his face. "Justin say what you want to say before i lose my temper!" "Oh so this is you calm?" i must of had a scary look on my face because Justin quickly said: "Never mind. Okay now on to what happened this morning, care to explain?"

i thought over what i was going to say to him, i was drunk? No i had only one glass of wine. "I was in shock and had no control of my emoyions, it meant nothing so we should bothe forget it. i mean it Justin, just forget about it." "Alright boss, all is forgotten. But nect time you want to kiss this gorgeous face, you don't need to blame it on shock. Just be honest baby, I won't hold it against you."

i was so enraged i stormed out of his room, slamming his door in the procss. i went downstairs to the living room and switched on the TV, planning to it and drown myself with the dramas of the bizarre world of TV. Around 3 o'clock Justin came downstairs and sat next to me, "Hey Gabriel? Can i borrow your phone please? i ran out of credit." He pulled this puppy dog face, which half annoyed m and half made a part of me melt. "Fine!" I handed him my phone and in response he kissed my cheek and skipped out of the room, such a strange boy. Ten minutes later Justin walked back into the room with a cheeky grin on his face, he passed me my phone and ran upstairs. i shook my head, what the hell was he up too?

Oh how i hate monday mornings, whoever created them is purely evil. I am sitting in my car resting my head on the wheel, it was freezing this morning and i had a shit night sleep thanks to the wonderful nightmare that graced my dreams. Yet again the nightmare of finding my mother's body had given me a crap night sleep and put me in a bad mood, yesterday u thought it was the end to the nightmares - aparently not. i sat up straight and looked down at the uniform i am forced to wear and frowned in disgust, what sane person designd this?

i stopped my complaining about the world d tand drove to school, once i got to school and parked  the car and walked towards Chriss and the gang. "Yo Gab! How was your weekend?" Mike yelled out at me. Once i said all my hellos i replied to Mike, "Pretty mad actually, had to do this charity ball thing. What about your's?"

Apparently the boys had a zombie movie marathon all weekend and next time they promised to invite me. we all started to talk about random topics that i wasn't paying much attention to: i was in my own little world until 'Baby' by Justin Bieber started blaring from my phone. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see the caller ID as Justin, and all the guys were laughing uncontrollably at my ring tone. i answered the phone. "Justin you are going to pay gor that you little." i never got to  finish that statement becuase an old lady came up to me and took away my phone. "No phones on campus!" You have got to be kidding me, the bell rang and we all rushed to class but before i ran off i was in formed i would recieve my phone at the end of the day.

My first lesson of the day was double religion and my teacher was a middle-aged cat lady with issues. We started the lesson by sitting on the floor in a circle, all of us held hands whilst sending 'God' our prayers for the day.. After praying we discussed the Ten Commandments and what they meant to us in modern day society, appparently i was going to hell because i had broke just about every rule. After religion the lessons blurred together and i was relived when lunch finally came around, tryouts were today for the basketball team and i knew i was good enough it was up to whether or not the coach was a sexit pig. After the guys and i quickly ate our lunch, we all went to the gym and changed into our sports gear. I approached the coach and explained to him the problem i had with no girl team and how i wanted to tryout for the boy's team.

The coach didn't look convinced though and said, "You have to put your money where your mouth is honey, if you beat all the other guys trying out then you can have a place on the team. If not then off to the cheer tryouts for you!" He blew the whistle and we all started doing warm up laps, i have to admit the guys were pretty fast but i could handle it and with a little more work i was confident i would be able to run laps around them all.

After the tryouts i was dead on my feet, i ran up to the coach and asked. "So do i make the cut?" "Well i have to admit, you girly are a fast little pocket rocket. And it is clear you have training in a variety of sports, so it would be stupid of me to let you go." "So is that a yes?" I asked, crossing my fingers. "it is a yes, but you have to put in the extra work to get ahead of the boys." I screamed and jumped and words rushed out of my mouth at once. "OMG!! thannk you thank you so much you won't regret it!"

Chris, Mike, Rob, Nick, Jay, Zach, Freddy and Jim also made the team, they all came over to me and lifted me up in victory. We were laughing and cheering about me making the team that I didn’t notice the onlookers in the stands. When the guys out me down and went to get changed I heard a girly voice behind me giggling,  I turned to see Justin and this girl walking towards me. “Congrats on making the team, you looked good out there.” His eyes suggested he meant something other than my basketball skills.

The girl started to giggle again and said to me, “Yeah well done, you have the whole team wrapped around your little finger! Lucky bitch!” I shook my head and walked away from Justin and his whore for the day to the change room to quickly change and go to class.

I was exhausted after a long tiring day at school and a hard-core try-out for the team I could not move a single muscle in my poor body. I am lying on my bed and it’s around 8:30 pm and I really should be thinking about eating something for dinner, yet again Abby and dad aren’t home and Justin had a ‘study’ date over in his room. I sighed and got up, walked downstairs to the kitchen to see if I could cook anything. I found a can of soup and some bread I could toast, after heating up the soup and toasting the bread I sat down at the dinner table all by myself and I felt alone. I was half way through my dinner when the moaning began. I looked upwards and yelled “you have got to be kidding me!” The moaning turned into screaming, heavy breathing I could hear from all the way downstairs. Whoever he had up in his room kept screaming his name over and over again I thought I was going to lose all sanity! Not being able to handle it any more I went outside into the back yard where I fell asleep on a deck chair.

The house was quiet, which isn’t normal because mam always has retro music playing or TV playing at full volume. “Mam?” I call out but no one answers, I walk into the kitchen and put my school bag down. I go into our simple lounge room; it has a three seater couch. Coffee table and 55 inch flat screen TV. Mam isn’t I n the lounge, maybe she is in the bath reading her novel. I walk down the hall that is covered with pictures of mam and me, none of them with dad because he is never around. I knock on the door “Mam?” no reply so I open the door a crack, then a little more. No one is in the bathroom and I start to panic. Where is she? Mam hasn’t sent me a text saying she has left the house, maybe in her bedroom sleeping? I open the door without knocking and see mam lying on top of the bed fully clothed and pale as Edward Cullen. I walk over to the bed and shake her shoulder, no response. I touch her face and gasp. She is freaking freezing! I look over to the bed side table and see all these empty bottles of anti-depression pills. “MOM WAKE UP NOW!!!” I try to find a pulse, but there are not any signs of life coming off her. I pull out my phone and dial the emergency number and start crying uncontrollably; within the next 30 minutes my mam is in the local hospital morgue announced dead because of a drug over dose. I sat in the hospital chairs crying my eyes out, until my father walked into the room and told me to shut up.

I woke up yet again with tears streaming down my face, the nightmare was back and it looked like it was here to stay.

Well that’s another chapter done. Please let me know if you like it or not

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