Chapter Three

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My nightmare woke me up and yet again i had tears streaming down my face, i was about to get up and get ready for a run to clear my mind when i remembered i have school today. I looked at my phone for the time, 5:30am, ugh not looking forward to being the new girl. Having lived in the same small town all my life gave me the benefit of knowing everyone and never being the new girl, and i was dreading having to face new people without support of my best friends. I only have one girlfriend because of all the sports i played i had always been classified as one of the boys, which suited me fine girls cause so much drama. But when Lia came to town, not knowing anyone i took it upon myself to be her friend. Five years later and our friendship is still going stong - well it was until i moved.

I grabbed my school uniform and went into the bathroom for a shower, after having the quickest shower of my life i got dressed in my uniform. The uniform consists of a white blouse with blue tie, a navy blue blazer and a pleated blue and white skirt. The uniform policy said we had to wear black shoes and navy blue socks, but i wanted to put my own twist on the uniform putting on a pair of my mothers skin colour tights and putting on a pair of her black heals - but the heal was only small. I let my short black hair dry naturally, it wad naturally wavy but i didn't mind. I put a little but of black eye liner on, and a little bit of lip gloss wanting to make a good first impression with my new school mates.

It is now 7am and i am ready for the day ahead, wanting to get to school relatively early i walked downstairs grabbing a bag Abby had prepared for me the night before and my car keys and walked out the door to the garage. School began at 8am and i needed to sign in with the office before school to recieve my timetable and a school tour. I noticed that Abby and dads cars were both gone; they must have gotten up before me. It occured to me when i was seated in the car and ready to go that i didn't actually know where the school is, i opened the school bag hoping there was a map in a diary or something. I found no maps but i did find a sat nav sitting at the bottom of my bag with a note


It came to my knowledge thay you did not know your way around town. Hopefully this will help you in your travels.

Regards - Father

Well wasn't that nice of him? I spend the next 20 minutes setting it up and then i typed in my location and the destination and i was suprised when it only took me 10 minutes to get to school which left me 30 minutea to go to the office recieve my timetable and get a tour. I parked the car in the student carpark, grabbed my bag and walked inti the office.

"Miss how may i help you?" An old woman asked from behind the desk, i couldn't really see her but i could see her bright pink lipstick and purple glasses. "I am new here, Gabriel Bennet?" I asked in a small voice.

"Ahh Miss Bennet welcome to Our Lady High School, here is your timetable if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask i am here all day every day. Your tour guide should be here any minute now, oh liik here he is! Mr Justin Micheals how nice to see you hun, are you ready to show Miss Bennet around?"

Ugh Justin really? Isn't there another tour guide or did the guy sign up for everyrhing the school offered just to get inti everyones good books.

"Mrs Bowie it is so nice to see you too! I trust you are well, yes i an ready. Gabriel ready to go?"

"Thank you Justin, you're a sweet boy. See you soin Miss Bennet!" Justin sent Mrs Bowie a smile and grabbed my bag.

On the way out of the office Justin put his arms around my shoulders and started whispering in my ear "You look stunning in the uniform, only some girls can make it look good. Pity i am going to rip it off you soon." "Is that your version of a compliment? And can you please take your arm off me: we are going to be step brother and sister its wierd having you touch me." "Yoy look like you are a girl who likes it wierd. Hmm you just keep getting better and better." His breath kept tickling me and i was sort of turned on by it. Stop it girl pull yourself together! "Just show me around." I was suprised when he agreed with this and went into the business of showing me the whole campus which is like double the size of my old school, i looked over my timetable to see what i had in store today:

Homeroom - Room 5

Chemistry - Science Block B

English - Room 34

Social Studys - Room 16


Religion - Room 5

Religion - Room 5

Homeroom - Room 5

Justin showed me everywhere i need to go, which i am greatful for and as the bell rang for homeroom i rushed to room 5.

The first four lessons dragged, filled with introductions and awkward silences. By lunch i just wanted to curl up in a ball and die, i walked into the cafateria and saw the typical lunchroom setup: dork, emo, nerds, chearleaders, average looking girls and jocks. I thought through what table i would fit in more with, i concluded that the jock table would be a safer bet being guys don't bitch behind your back and we would have something in commo. I walked over to their table with a tray of food, todays menu: fried, burger and a fruit salad, every pair of eyes were on me as i stood at the table and asked in a small voice "Can i sit with you guys?" What looked like the head guy replied with "Sorry no girls aloud at this table we don't talk about make-up and hot guys." That got the whole room in laughter, i wasn't going to back down i knew how guys worked, i am more guy than girl i got right up in his face and said, "Who saidi was into that stuff?" I turned to the whole group and said "Did any of you pussyssee last nights game? The umpire was a fuck head and it was clear he was paid to ignore the fiul play going on and the dickhead kept giving frees to the other team." That made everyone silent again; the head guy was a blonde buff guy who looked like tge team captain. It was clear that he was thinking over a response when he finally replied with "Play any sports?" "Bascketball, netball, baseball, volleyball, high jump, long jump, crosscountry running, football and tennis. What about you?" Again the room was silent and you could here a pin drop, everyone was looking at each other with wide eyes and i could literally hear their thoughts - well not really but still i imagined going through their head right now would be stuff like:

Oh my god the new girl is such a sporty chick, no wonder her body is so perfect. She is such a little bitch.

Head guy looked at each member of the table then back at me. "We play the only sport the school offers - basketball. Oh and you have proven yourself baby you may sit with us, im Chris and this is my team: Mike, Rob, Nick, Jay, Zach, Freddy and Jim." Each guy was relativly good looking but as a girl who hanged around guys all her life it was hard to impress me with looks. I gave each guy a kiss on the cheek as a thank you, sat down between Chris and Mike and the room slowly went back to normal volume. All the guys started talking to me at once about my life story and how i played all those sports and asking me questions about all my skill, i was so relieved i found my place in school and i answered each question one by one and i asked my own questions aswel. "So what girl sports are here?" "Cheerkeading or nothing." Jay replied and i wash shocked. No sport for the girls? Hiw sexist is that, cheerleading is for the whores, so that wasn't an option ugh this school just got worse. I must of had a pissed off facial expression because Freddy the little sweetheart said, "Try out for the basketba team, we need an extra player and i am sure you are a better player than most the guys sitting here." This got the table into a debate on how they were better players and how i should try out for the team, and i was touched i've only known the guys 30 minutesand they are alreadyooking after me. "Hey do you guys know Justin Micheals?" I was curious to see what they all thought about Justin.

Chris answered first and suddenly had a serious facial expression upon his face. "Stay away from him hes a total douche and a player through and through. He is a good, sweat guy for the teachers but as soon as they are gone he is a dickhead player who thibks girls are like jelly beans. Picks one, chews it, tastes it then decides he wants a new and spits the jelly bean out. Then he repeats the process again, just stay away we don't want you to be a jelly beando we?"

Nawwh i love them already! I looked across the lunchroom and saw Justin with this other guy surounded by cheerleaders and girls throwing themselves at him, and i felt kind of dissapointed somehow.

Well thats chapter three hope you liked it.

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