Chapter 15

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(I forgot I used to write things. Sorry guys. It's been a year.

Also, some teasing.)

Legoshi lies awake, sweet thoughts of you rushing over him.

'I think I should text her..'

2AM wasn't a regular time for the wolf to stay up until, but endless thoughts flooded his mind.

'What if she doesn't reply? Well, she's probably asleep by now.. but what if she DOES reply?!'

He was excited, though anxious, at the thought. You'd seemingly disappeared since he'd seen you last, and he was nervous to write to see how you've been.

Legoshi: hey y/n.. I've just'---

He quickly deletes his writing.

Legoshi: what's up y/n!!---

Withdrawn  immediately.

What was he supposed to say? Perhaps it was better if he said nothing at all. The wolf sighs, sending a short message.

Legoshi: hey, are you up, y/n?

Moments pass before a message is received.

Y/N: yeah, what's up

You've been lying awake all evening since your encounter with Louis, and you weren't sure how to really process it. He'd literally disappeared, and it worried you. Louis wasn't like himself.

Not even a little.

Legoshi's ears perk up to the near silent buzz of his phone. Lying with the device clutched between his hands, he replies.

Legoshi: do you.. want to come for a walk?

You read the text before looking at Ripley, who had passed out at the kitchen table.

You hesitantly reply.

Y/N: sure.

Legoshi's tail wags, brushing the blanket over top of him softly.

Praying that his roommates wouldn't wake, the wolf tip-toes out the dorm room before quietly making his way down the hall. Legoshi wasn't one for breaking the rules, but..

It was to see you, and for that he'd to anything.

You, who'd already left your friend's apartment, quickly walked down the paved streets towards the school. It was only a couple of blocks away, and you were confident enough to leave alone anyways.

You approached the fountain in the middle of the school's courtyard. Legoshi sat alone on a bench, his back turned, which gave you an opportunity to spook him.

Sneaking quietly behind him, you see his ear twitch before you place your hands on his shoulders with a faint "boo!"

He gasps, whipping his head back to gaze at you in slight fear. Blushing, he gains his composure.


The wolf breathes out  with a sigh of relief.

"Don't..  don't do that please.."

You cover your mouth, a small laugh escaping.

"Sorry, pups.."

You smile, apologizing softly.

"What's on your mind?"

Legoshi pauses, examining your sweet expression.

"You.. mostly,"

He admits, timidly.

"You sort of.. you know.. left, so.. it's been quiet without you.."

Your brows furrowed, and you sit down beside him on the bench.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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