Chapter XIV

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(due to my extreme lack of motivation, i have left all of you for months. i am a terrible friend!)

After Legosi's confession during the festival, things had become different. The two of you rarely talked, and would barely make so much as eye contact at all.

It was... frustrating.

You did love him, but how could you ever be sure it could work? Highschool relationships rarely ever turn out.

And after the night in the hotel...

What were you supposed to say?

'Hey, we haven't talked in a while, but listen; I like you, and you like me, so let's fuck with feelings?'

Shit's complicated.

Summer arrived quick, and there was not much heard from Legosi, nor Louis.

Louis had disappeared after Legosi saved you from the Shishigumi. It wasn't like him to just.. vanish without a word.


You didn't really have a home to stay at for summer break. Of course, you could have stayed with Gohin, but you wanted a stress-free environment to stay in until school begin again.


You decided to stay with Ripley.





A pillow smacks the side of your face, and a dull pain shoots through your cheek. You groan, annoyed.

"Fuck off, Ripley..." you growl, pulling the soft blanket over your head.

A small laugh escapes the maned wolf's mouth.

"Listen, I have to go pick up groceries or we're going to starve this week," he begins, opening the blinds.

"I need you to clean up a little bit. I will be back in, like, an hour. If you're leaving, just leave a note or something."

You hum in response.

Shortly after, you hear the front door open and close, clicking shut before being locked.

Your phone vibrates on the coffee table next to you.

Grabbing the device in your hand, you turn it on, and wince at the brightness of the screen.

'A text message..'

You think, unlocking the phone.

'From Louis?'

You swing your legs over the edge of the couch,  and the blanket which was draped over your body slides off onto the ground.  Your knee begins to bounce, frantically.

You quickly open the text, and read what Louis said.

Louis: Y/N, please meet me outside the apartment you're currently staying at. I will be there shortly.

Louis: There are matters I need to discuss with you.

Your mind races as hundreds of anxious thoughts stumble into your head.

'Louis is contacting me? How does he know I'm staying with Ripley?? Is he okay?? Am I okay? Matters we need to discuss??'

Your eyes re-read the message over again, double-checking that you weren't just imagining it. At the top of the screen was the time.

11:13 AM.

Almost tripping over your large pajama pants, you rush over to your bag of clothes.

As excited you were to see Louis, you were also nervous.

Throw Me To The Wolves [beastars x reader]Where stories live. Discover now