Chapter XII // To the Neon District

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"Okay, we have a problem here," Dom says to the dorm 701 canines. "It's like he just left everything and suddenly disappeared!" 

"I know, and the festival is tomorrow!" Kibi states, loudly.

"Yeah, that's right. And we haven't seen Legosi for the entire day today." Collot, the English sheep-dog, mentions. 

"He's not the type to ditch school," Jack assures, "So I'm sure there's a good reason for it."

Dom's phone rings, and he picks up.

"Hello? What?! You're missing someone too?!" He answers, a little panicked. "I'm sorry, you guys, but I need to go now."

After Kibi and Dom leave, the dorm 701 boys go back inside their room.

"Man, it's raining hard out there. Any idea where he be, Jack?"

"No.." Jack replies, looking at Legosi's bunk. "His bed looks like it hasn't been touched since this morning."

He comes across Legosi's pet beetle's tank.

"Oh no!Poor Beetley is dead!" Jack cries, picking up the tank.

"Beetley?" The other canines question.

"Yeah.. It's Legosi's pet beetle."

"Could this day get any worse?" Collot asks, rhetorically. 

"This is a bad omen.." Jack states. "Legosi really loved this beetle too.."


Legosi and the lion hold each other's arms, growling and snarling. The lion throws him back, and leaps over to dig his teeth into Legosi, but he rolls out of the way, throwing a punch at the feline. The lion grabs a hold of Legosi's arm and bites down, and Legosi yells at the pain. He tries to push the boss off, however the grip on his arm is too strong.

You only watch, fearful for Legosi's life.

Legosi kicks the lion off, and circles back to catch his breath. He crouches in front of you.

The lion stands up.

"Well, this isn't going anywhere.." He growls, his teeth stained red with Legosi's blood. "How about we end this battle right now?"

"Yeah.." Legosi's rough voice replies, "Let's end it." 

Legosi forces his worn body to stand, and licks his wound. 

He looks back at you.

"This could be something you may not want to watch.." Legosi says to you, "I'm sorry..Y/N.."

He turns back to face the lion, and raises his fists. 

'There's nothing to fear..'

His fur spikes up, and his eyes morph into a deep crimson. He runs and leaps at the lion, being met with a fist that knocks him to the floor.

'These claws are for you.'

Legosi digs his claws into the floor and throws himself forward, circling the lion.

'These fangs are for you.'

He jumps a second time at the lion, his arms stretched out around the lion's head. The feline holds Legosi's face away from his own, attempting to keep the powerful jaw from tearing him into ribbons of flesh. 

Legosi rips his face out of the lion's grip and forces his jaws down into the lion's neck, piercing the skin with his large fangs. He digs them in deeper, ripping and tearing the muscle tissues in the feline's neck.

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