Chapter II // The Academy's Top Dogs

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   You breathe slowly.

   'Is this my fate? To be torn to pieces by a gray wolf?'

   You feel warm. Like you're about to be swallowed by a fire. Your ears are flat against your head.

   'Is this what fear is? Life flashing before you, greeting a reaper before being guided to the gates of death?'

   You swallow the saliva that built up in your mouth. You feel him move. His claws dig into your arm. You feel it stinging, burning, boiling. The blood starts to slide down your arm, staining your fur red.

   This was it: your end.

   "Legosi! Please help me!" A voice calls from behind us. His grip on you loosens, and you squirm out and run. You can't feel your legs. You've never ran so fast, never experienced this fear. The earth under your feet felt as if it was shaking, and dizziness overtook your body. 


   It's been hours since it happened. You haven't slept a wink since you've been in your dorm. Everyone was asleep except for you. You've wrapped up your arm with gauze to stop it from bleeding. You are so shook you'd forgotten about Haru, forgotten about school. You can't get it out of your head. His words echoed.

 "I'll eat you. I'LL EAT YOU."

   It played over and over, a broken record in your mind. You can't shake yourself from the fear. No one would have ever thought a carnivore would attack someone like you, especially in this society.

'Was he really going to eat me?!" 

   You really were going crazy.


    It's only day two of your classes and you can't sit still. Your foot taps anxiously.

   Tap, tap, tap, tap.

   You can't focus, think straight, or calm yourself down. You feel like you're stuck in that moment, reliving it every second you think. 

   The bell rings for lunch, and you flinch. Your body shakes rapidly as you get up to leave. Walking quickly, you reach the cafeteria. You aren't even hungry, you just feel the need to always be moving. 

   "Y/N are you okay?" You jump at her voice. It was Haru.

   "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

   'Liar, liar.'

   "What happened last night? I ran, and I thought you were following me, but you weren't. I went back to behind the lecture hall and you weren't there."

   You don't know what to say. Should you tell her?

   "I-i.. was just scared of the dark.." You lie through your teeth. She knows you are lying. Haru sighs.

   "Alright..Come with me. We'll go to the garden, and we will make you feel all better."

   And you did. Being around Haru calmed your nerves. The garden was so peaceful and quiet. The sun shone bright and warm.

    You could breathe again. 

   The two of you didn't talk very much. Taking care of the flowers was enough for the both of you. 

   "Is your arm okay, Y/N?"

   "Hm? Yeah, it's okay." You reply. 

  Haru hums, and continues watering the plants. 

   You never knew that being on a rooftop could be so.. serene. 

   A knock comes from the exit door. It opens, revealing a small ant-eater. And a wolf. A familiar wolf.

Throw Me To The Wolves [beastars x reader]Where stories live. Discover now