Chapter XIII // In the Storm's Wake

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[holy fuck its been an entire month since ive posted. im so sorry. i didnt think it was that long. and ive been getting a lot of comments about it not really being an insert species type of things. i forgot to edit a lot. the original species i wrote the reader as was a jackal. it's really difficult to have it apply to everyone. i wrote the reader as a female mammal, im sorry it's not fitting to everyone's standards. thanks for 40k reads.]

You wake up with Legosi's large arm draped over your body.

"Hey," You poke him gently on the arm, "we should get back to school."

You hear a groan and some mumbling from him before he sits up.

You breathe out a small laugh.


The two of you made your way back together, a little awkwardly. You insisted on Legosi going to the infirmary when you arrived at the school. It was still early before classes.

You made your way to your dorm, which was surprisingly empty. Your dorm mates must have left already. You change from Legosi's shirt into a spare uniform. You were more presentable, and you decided on visiting Legosi in the infirmary.

You bump into Juno as she leaves the room.

"Excuse me," you say, annoyed, "I need to get by you."

She stares blankly at you, her cheeks flushed.

"S-sorry.." She mumbles, still not moving.

You're visibly irritated.

"Fine. Doesn't matter at all, I guess." You mutter, walking away from her.

'The hell was that about..?'

You notice her following you, and your ear twitches.

Speeding up your pace, you turn towards the stairwell. The she-wolf grabs your arm, and you snap your head back to glare at her.

"What do you want?" You growl, ripping your arm away from her.

"Do you actually believe you can make Legosi happy?" She questions.

It quickly became an uncomfortable situation.

"That's real forward of you, considering we just met," You state, rolling your eyes, "I'm Y/N. I'm a second-year."

She looks surprised, and then embarrassed.

"I'm sorry.. I'm Juno, I'm a freshman," She says, "Were you the one involved in the incident with Legosi?"

"Yeah," You spit. "But no worries. Our relationship isn't as shallow as you'd think. I'll make him happy."

It was really none of her business, but you really wanted to piss her off.

"I'm sure he'll be flattered to know you're attracted to him."

Juno stands in front of you, putting her hands on either side of your head. She starts sniffing, and you push her away from you.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" You yell, your ears flattening.

Juno begins walking away.

"I don't mean to cheapen myself, but I am going to surpass you as a woman." She states, cockily.


You walk away in the opposite direction.


Time passed fast, and the festival came along quickly. You hadn't seen Louis for a while, and none of the drama club knew of his whereabouts.

You hadn't seen Legosi either.

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