Chapter I // The Moon And The Beast

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[Edit: Making our reader be able to have their own animal type. A/S is what I'm using for animal species!]

"Paper's here!"

A new day begins at Cherryton Academy. Animals mutter among themselves regarding the death of Tem the alpaca.

You pick up a paper and begin to read:

"Student devoured in school."

It was taboo to think something like this would ever happen, especially before your first day at Cherryton. You had transferred to Cherryton Academy after the death of your mother. This was the school she attended while she was in high school.

Passing by a few herbivores talking about the recent news, you begin to listen in. You never mean to eavesdrop on other animals conversations, but you've developed the habit of doing it.


"Did you hear? It was Tem from drama club."

A female sheep sighs. "I know."

"But Els... he was in your club."

"We just rehearsed together yesterday." She replies, sheepishly.

Someone else cuts in, rudely. "

"I bet a carnivore student was responsible."

You didn't want to listen anymore. Continuing your small adventure, you decide to tour around the school and find where your classes would be held.

This semester you had: Sea-speak in room 102, Physics in room 231, Social Studies in room 112, and a spare block. You weren't worried about any of your classes; school just wasn't that important to you. You're just surprised that you could even transfer at this time of year.

There were so many different animals here.

Holding your schedule between your two paws, you struggled to keep it from tearing so much. Your nails have gotten so long they just destroy everything you touch. With your head held low, you didn't notice there was someone in front of you, and you walk right into them.

Oh no.

You didn't think you would be talking to someone so soon.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" The stranger barks. He was barely any taller than you, but he seemed so big. You stare wide-eyed at him.

"Aren't you going to apologize?!" He growls aggressively. You spit out a quick 'sorry' and continue walking. The canine grabs your shoulder, and turns you around, pinning you against the wall.

"Sorry isn't enough." He snarls. You instinctively grit your teeth, your ears flattening against your skull. You couldn't believe you already created beef between you and another student.

"Oh how difficult canines can be." Someone comments.

He was a red deer, standing at probably five-foot-eight; a tall and self-assured build. The hyena huffed and stalked off, muttering curses miserably. You regain your composure, and look away from the deer, slightly embarrassed.

"I haven't seen you here before. You must be the transfer student." He spoke with a mature, confident tone. Meeting his eyes, you get a decent look at his face. Although he was a herbivore, you found him quite handsome.

"Yeah.. I just transferred." You mumble, timidly looking up at him.

He hums, and holds out his hand.

"My name is Louis. What may I call you?" He politely says, although there was a hint of pride in his words, you took his hand anyways.

"Y/N. I'm a A/S."

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