Chapter V // Two Sides to The Story

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Jack, the labrador retriever, walks down the hallway. All around him were animals gossiping about last night's performance. 

'You've got to be kidding me..' He thought to himself, 'That the truth much? Sheesh..'

He makes it quickly to the rooftop.

"I'm back! Think fast!" The dog says, throwing Legosi his lunch with a grin. 

The wolf catches it, surprised. 

"Ah.. that's an egg salad sandwich with soy milk. The unsweetened kind." Jack notes, happily. 

"Thanks." Legosi credits, looking inside the bag. He takes out the box holding the sandwiches, and opens it. 

Jack sits beside him in the empty pool.

"Legosi," he begins, his mouth full of bread. "Good call not going to the cafeteria kiosk today."

"I knew it," the wolf sighs. "How did it go?"

"Uh, let's just say your little improv last night made the front page of the school paper. Everybody bought one." Jack answers mischievously. 

"Front page?" Legosi questions. "You're serious?" 

"Oh yeah," Jack replies. "It's a great picture, huh? Bought myself a copy as welllll." He teases. 

Legosi gasps, and goes quiet. 

"It says. 'Birth of the Dark Hero.'" Jack continues teasing. 

'Jack.. was definitely there last night.' Legosi thinks, worriedly. 'But, if he's sitting here right now, he probably didn't notice that I..I wasn't exactly acting on that stage.'

The dog laughs, and points at the picture in the paper.

"Seriously, this shot is totally incredible! I mean, like, when did you and Louis get to be so close?" Jack smiles as he asks. 

"Well," the wolf begins to answer, "it's not like that. A lot happened up there, and this article doesn't exactly show know.. Louis is just amazing."

'I'm causing him all sorts of trouble. What am I supposed to say when I see him?'


You were mesmerized by the show last night. It was incredible. It kept you awake just thinking about it.

Breakfast had already passed, and you were starting to think about the wolf in the performance. The wolf you had become familiar with, and seemed to see everywhere you went. He was so..intimidating, yet friendly. You thought about maybe..becoming friends with him. It would be nice to have another carnivore on your side, as Haru and Louis were the only ones you had really bonded with.

You had noticed you'd lost your wallet. You didn't really have anything important in it. Just a few pictures, and your school ID. Maybe you had 1308 ¥, but that wasn't exactly a lot to lose. You didn't think very much of it. 

Summer break is just around the corner, and you and Haru have to bring something from the garden club to celebrate the Festival of the Meteor. It was a festival to celebrate the dinosaurs, which are the ancestors of all animals. One summer, a meteor hit and caused them to go extinct. People say it's a festival to welcome the spirits of extinct dinosaurs, but no one really cares too much about that. The real reason everyone is excited is for the lighting ceremony on the last day of the celebration. 

You and Haru decided to build a stand for selling some of the flowers from the garden club. You both thought it would be nice to get out of the school for a bit, so you chose to participate in the festival. 

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