Chapter XI // A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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Legosi walks through the alley market, tracking your scent. 

'Y/N.. I followed your scent all the way here..' his thoughts wander, 'but now, with all these different smells of the Black Market, I've seemed to lost it..'

The alley-way was crowded, filled with carnivores. Lights were strung across, keeping away the creeping shadows.

'The only lead I have is the name: Shishigumi.'

He'd asked around for more clues to find you, but no one would make eye contact with him after he mentioned the Shishigumi. The other animals quickly moved away from him. 

The large wolf bumps into a pair of felines.

"You got a problem? Watch where you're going!" One of them hisses.

"I'm very sorry.." Legosi apologies, "Uhm, do you happen to know where I can find Shishigumi?"

The two look at him, surprised by his question.



The felines look at each other, and back at the wolf while smirking.

"Yeah, right this way."

They lead him to another alley, empty and gray. It made Legosi anxious.

"Are you sure this is the way?"

The panther pulls out a knife, pinning Legosi to the wall. 

"If you're just gonna throw away your life like that, let us take your coat first." 

"Ahh, damn. Nothing in his wallet." The other attacker says.

"Listen, my friend was kidnapped by the Shishigumi." Legosi pleas, looking at the two.

"You've got nothing for us. And if they drown you at the lake, you're worthless."

"The lake?" He asks.

"A young wolf's coat will sell for a pr-" 

The panther was cut off by a bolt made of bamboo flying past his head into the wall beside him.

"I see that my patient is troubling you." The gruff voice of a panda says. He was holding a crossbow pointed at the felines, a cigarette lit in his mouth.

The two run off, scared shit-less. 

"Panda!" Legosi calls out. 

Gohin winces, and huffs.

"I told you! It's Gohin," The panda growls, the crossbow resting over his shoulder. "Not panda."

He approaches Legosi, slowly.

"Remember, even carnivores such as yourself are in real danger out here."

"Okay, but," Legosi begins, eagerly, "I'm looking for Shishigumi's hideout." 

"Hey! Keep it down, would you?" Gohin says roughly, "Shishigumi's an organized crime group made up of 35 lions. They're a vicious gang that specializes in devourings. Even I don't want to be involved. One wolf against their whole gang."

"Okay, alright. I understand. At least show me how to find the lake?"

The panda scowls, and snaps at the wolf.

"Were you even listening?! Damn it!" Gohin yells, "Might as well dig a grave and jump in!"

"Yeah.. I suppose that would be a lot easier.." Legosi answers, thinking.

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