Chapter X // Into the Lion's Den

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[I'm not sure if any of you re-read the previous chapters yet, but: I have changed some things so you can apply your own character into the story too! So, the reader isn't 100% a carnivore, she is actually an omnivore! You still have a liking for meat, but you could potentially continue living off of fruits and veggies too. I did this because I kinda wanted to apply another character haha! So, enjoy!]

Outside the damaged doors to the lecture hall, Louis held a bouquet of flowers.

He promised he would change the world.

It's been a while since Tem's death.

Three months.

There was no report on the authorities arresting anyone. The killer was still lurking around, waiting for it's next prey.


You were watering the flowers at your booth before Legosi called you name.


"Oh, Legosi," You say, "Hey."

You notice the rolled up toilet paper in his nose.

"Oh, wow. What happened?" You ask, curiously.

"Did you get into a fight? Does it hurt?"


'A confession, huh..' Legosi's thinks, 'I've never done it before. I don't think I can go through with this..'

"Hey, Y/N?"


"The truth is.. Y/N.." Legosi begins, nervously, "I think I'm in l--"

He gets cut off by Bill.

"Hey, Y/N!"

"Oh... Bill...hi.." You answer.

You weren't the biggest fan of the tiger. Last time you spoke to him, your wallet went missing.

"I was wondering if you were still up for us hanging out?" Bill implies, grinning.

"Bill, we're a little busy right now." Legosi growls, lowly.

"Maybe another time, Bill." You smiled, closing your eyes.

He pouts, and stalks away.

"Sorry, Legosi," You say, awkwardly, "What were you saying?"

"Oh.. uhm.." He begins, again, "Could you meet me here tomorrow? I want to tell you something really important.. Just promise me you will meet me?"

You giggle.

"Sure. I'll see you tomorrow then?"


'What a silly wolf.'

You walked out into the trees a little for bit, just to think.

You were a little bummed about the festival tomorrow. Of course it was going to be fun and all, but the planning was just exhausting.

You sigh, and look out at the water just ahead.

It was

You snorted at your thoughts.

A pair of large hands wrap around you, covering your mouth. If you could scream is this moment, you'd be screaming bloody murder.

You're suddenly no longer touching the ground.

You try squirming and wriggling as much as you can, but there's no luck.

Your kidnapper picks you up, and literally just bolts away from the festival.

Throw Me To The Wolves [beastars x reader]Where stories live. Discover now