Chapter VIII // Below the Fur Coat

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After staying a night in the city to get things organized, you and Haru returned to school to continue through your classes. 

It was nice going out for a while. It lifted some weight from your shoulders. It's been more than a month since you got attacked. The moment barely crossed your mind anymore.

You sat through Seaspeak, though you weren't exactly listening. You were dozing off. After sleeping at the hotel, your back has been killing you, and you had a terrible nights rest. You swore the bed was all springs and no cushion. It wasn't even soft. 

Legosi is in your class, and you could see he wasn't paying attention either. The hen sitting next to him spent most of the time staring at him. Though you could never admit it, you were jealous she got to sit next to him. 

If you were in fact the wild animal your mother wanted you to be, you would have ripped the flightless bird's head off already.

Thank God you weren't. 

Lunch rolled around quite fast, and you met up with Haru and Louis at the garden club. They cuddled together on the bed, while you laid on the floor reading a comic. 

"Y/N, come get in here," Haru giggles, inviting you to the 'cuddle sesh.'

It wasn't uncommon for the three of you to lay in bed together. It was comforting, and the two herbivores didn't mind you being there with them.

It was purely platonic. For you, at least.

"Are you guys going to the Festival of the Meteor too?" Louis asks, kindly.

"Yes, we're setting up a booth to sell flowers," Haru answers, "The club needs funds." 

You only hum, agreeing.

"You know I can take care of the funding." He says, smiling. 

Haru was between you and Louis, laying comfortably in the middle. 

"I don't want your money," Haru says, nuzzling into Louis chest, "Just your love."

'They're so perfect for each other..'

Louis strokes the rabbit's head, with a sad smile. He gets up off the bed, putting his shoes on.

"It's a young animal's duty to produce descendants." Louis affirms, "My family already arranged a wife for me so I can succeed the family name."

He finishes tying his shoes.

"You told me before that you'd understood," He says, patting her head. "Okay, I'm going."

It was sad that they couldn't be together. Louis treated her so well. It was unfair. 

You trace circles on Haru's hand, consoling her. You knew she was hurting too.

"Make sure you two go back to the dorms at night."

"I know," Haru sighed,  "See ya.."

"I'll call you again." Louis states, moving the curtain to the side of the sliding door. 

A tall figure stood waiting to knock.


It was Legosi. 

"Hey." Louis says, almost annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" The wolf asks.

"I should be asking you the same thing." 

This was an embarrassing situation. 

"Well, uh.." Legosi begins, "I need to talk to Y/N.."

"Y/N's not here," the red deer covers for you.

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