Chapter III // A Wolf is Born

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   Jumping down multiple stairs, Legosi breathes heavily. 

    'What was that?' He thought, wondering to himself. He wasn't familiar with women in general. Maybe it was just a twisted joke between them?

   "Legosi!" The ant-eater, Kibi, calls out. 


   "S-sorry about earlier," Kibi begins, "I was waiting for you to come back."

  "Why'd you leave me like that?!" Legosi growls angrily. 

   "Never mind that!" Kibi interrupts the wolf's anger, "Did anything happen?"


   'What does he mean "did anything happen?"'

  "O-of course not," Legosi answers, in a softer tone, "not really.."

   He explains the situation to the small mammal awkwardly, leaving out minor details. The wolf didn't want Kibi to get the wrong idea. The walk down the hall, conversing about the situation.

   "I see.." Kibi begins speaking, "Well, that's a relief. You were jumping down four steps at a time, so I thought something bad happened."

  "Something bad like.. what?" Legosi inquires. Suddenly, he is pushed up against the wall by Kibi's small hands. 

   "Apparently," He starts, "this is a pretty well-known rumor among the herbivores. The talk around school is that she's really promiscuous, and has been with a lot of guys."

   'The A/S? Or the dwarf rabbit?'

   "Basically," Kibi continues, "she's a slut."

   'Neither of the two seemed.. unchaste.'  The wolf's thoughts roam.

   "S-she's trouble, so stay away!" The ant-eater warns, "Disappointing, right? She looks so innocent. But I guess she would never attempt to seduce a wolf."

   'So, he is talking about the rabbit.." Legosi guesses. The two continue to walk in silence, before being interrupted again.

   "So, did you get the roses?" Kibi asks, tilting his head.

   'Shit, the flowers.' 


  You and Haru had to attend an assembly. It was some kind of awards ceremony. Louis and the drama club got one of the awards, which was predicted. They were quite a popular group, and Louis himself basically ran the school. 

  The ceremony ended shortly, and you greeted Louis while the rest of the animals left the theater. 

 "Hey Louis," you address him politely, "great job on the award."

  He smiles, and responds in his usual tone.

   "Thank you," he begins, "Y/N, I would like to speak with you."

   'What about?' You wonder, lost in endless possible situations playing through your head.

   "Oh, okay." You smile, worriedly. What could he possibly want to talk about?

   He leads you to the leaders room, and sits down on the desk.

   "You can cut the friendly act, Y/N," Louis growls, "carnivores are prone to lying about their true self."

   In many ways, he was right. Most carnivores do lie about their true feelings. In this world, carnivores are looked down on, mostly for their feral instincts. They are the cause of devourings, and can be a danger to society. 

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