Chapter VI // The Past

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"Mama," the small A/S said in an attempt to catch her mother's attention.

"Y/N, I don't have time right now," she explained, annoyed.

"The group needs me to hunt with them today."

It was always like this in their home. Hunt, eat, sleep. An endless cycle. Y/N was old enough to understand that there needed to be food on the table, but the naive child only wanted her mother's love.

Y/N had to grow up quicker than she'd expected.


"Y/N," Mother called, "come out of your room. It's dinner time."

You dragged yourself out of you room.

"I don't know why we don't just continue with our garden," you said,moodily, "then you would have more time to be home."

"We've talked about this, Y/N," your mother warned, "omnivores need to eat fresh kill, along with plants. It's part of our nature. Our instincts demand it."

"Mine don't." You argued, glaring at your mom. 

"They do." She declared, growling.

The two of you snarled insults at each other, arguing angrily. You barked out cuss words, damning her. Their conflict gets interrupted by your mother's lover, Dean.

"Hey, hey, hey," Dean yelled,"What the hell is going on here?!"

You mother walked to Dean's side and wrapper her arm around his. 

"Y/N doesn't understand what it means to be a A/S." The woman growled, glaring at you.

Eleven-year-old you gritted your teeth.

"Now I see why dad left," You spat,"I wouldn't want to be with a bitch like you either!"

You stormed out of the house without looking back.

After hours of hunting and killing multiple bugs, you began to walk back home.

'I hate her.' 

You father had left while you were quite young. He told you that he went to go stay with a friend in the big city for... therapy reasons. Along with your mother, your father was truly a hunter, and eventually became addicted to it. You didn't have much to remember him by, but he had left you his hat, which smelled of cigarettes.

And you never took it off.

Years of growing up without a father was difficult on you. Dean was alright, but he could never replace your real dad. Dean only pretended to care about you to please her mother.

And you knew that.

Dean honestly wasn't a great role-model. He cheated on your mom a multiple times, and became an absolute dick after getting comfortable. She eventually dumped him, which was good on her part.

After a while, your mother became quite introverted. She would barely even talk to you, unless you started an argument. You had to start picking up on the household chores. You made dinner most nights, which were great even though they were all plant-based.

She returned to her extroverted self after about a year.

"Mom," you began, "will you come for a walk with me?"

Your mother looked at you, observing your stunning features.

'She has grown up so beautifully.'

"Of course, Y/N." She smiled.

The two of you would go for walks through the forest every so often. There was always complete silence between you and her. You sat down on a fallen log, patting beside you to queue your mother to sit.

The sun was setting, and the clouds painted across the sky were beautiful, vibrant colors. Oranges, pinks, and reds.

"Y/N," Mother began, "you do know I love you, right? I feel like I never said it enough."

"Yes, mom," you replied, "I love you too."

That exchange was a moment you would remember forever.

You were fourteen when she passed. You were supposed to move in with your father, but he was no where to be found. You moved in with a family friend instead.

Gohin was a large, muscular giant panda. He was the therapist your father had gone to for his addiction. He worked as a makeshift "doctor" for the carnivores of the Black Market, and he home-schooled you for about a year after you had moved in. 

You were honest thinking Gohin was more of a father to you than your biological dad. At least he didn't make promises he couldn't keep. He was there to support you, to pick you up when you fell. He also taught you how to make bamboo-tea, and roll cigarettes for him. 

You hesitated a lot when he mentioned you being put in a real school.

"Y/N," Gohin began, "I can't keep helping you with school. I have patients, and it's a dangerous career for you to be exposed to."

"Gohin, I've been here with you for two years," You argued, "You can't just kick me out now."

He scoffed, and lit a cigarette.

"I'm not trying to get rid of ya," he laughed, "it's just been busy. You can always come back to visit."

You sighed. He was right. You weren't going to be gone forever. You grabbed one of his cigarettes and lit it, breathing in the smoke. 

"So," Gohin began, "you're all grown up now, huh? Give me that, you won't even be able to finish it, you brat."

You rolled your eyes, huffing. 

"You aren't going to be able to bring any of those to Cherryton," he stated, "they'll sniff 'em out and suspend you."

"That's the plan," you said, grinning, "I told you: you can't just get rid of me."

He smacked you upside the head.

"Knock it off," he threatened, "if I hear about you causin' shit in school, you'll never touch another cigarette again, you hear me?"

Your ears flattened. As much as you loved the bear, he was terrifying when he wanted to be.

"Alright, alright!" You gave in. 

"Did you take your medication, Y/N?" Gohin asked, raising his eyebrow.

He had put you on antidepressants after your mother passed away. He was right to do it. You and her had just started to get along before she died. It was heartbreaking, but you were alright after a few months. 

"Yes, father," you teased. He hated it when you would refer to him as anything dad-related, even if he was the father-figure in your life.

He only glared before replying.

"Your father was a good man," Gohin commented, "He had good morals."

"Yeah, except keeping his word," you muttered. 

"I don't want to get involved in your daddy-issues," he retorted, "Call him on the phone if you want to bitch about him not coming back!"

You only sighed. You wouldn't even know what to say. 'Hey, dad, thanks for leaving me for eleven years. How've you been?' seemed a little too passive-aggressive. Maybe it was appropriate, though. 

You had eventually agreed on going to school, but only after Gohin explained that your mother attended there. 

Maybe school wouldn't be so bad.

[1104 words in this chapter. i'm sorry it's super short. i'm also sorry if you wanted more of the actual beastars story included. i really did want there to be some background for the reader, as she is our main character. i hope you enjoyed it, anyhow. please feel free to leave feedback, and comment on what you liked (if you liked it at all :/   ) I will update tomorrow around the afternoon. thank you for 769 reads and 35 votes! ~ <3 kojot  ]

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