1 | 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙱𝚘𝚜𝚜

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☘︎ Jᴇɴɴɪғᴇʀ Rʏsᴏɴ ☘︎

"The Ryson Group's shares are finally higher than the Vitallis Group after four years of constant tie! It's time for mega celebration, habibis!" A familiar masculine voice cheers.

The moment I step foot into the floor-to-ceiling glassy and ivory marble tiled confines of my company's head quarter building, I am met by the view of Sayeed dancing like a hooligan on top of the reception desk and screaming his lungs out about our victory as everyone stared at him in starry eyed swoon.

Rolling my eyes, I gesture my four bodyguards dressed in all black with earpods in their ears, to drag my secretary down who is in midst of a failed imitation of salsa with the poor receptionist, Sarah, who looked flustered beyond limit.

If it weren't for the fact that Sayeed is married and very much in love with his wife despite his flirty personality, I could bet every female employee of mine interested in men would be throwing themselves at him. Sayeed Malik sure made a sight to behold with his inky hair and coal dark arabian eyes.

"Do not touch me!" Sayeed hollered at the bodyguards who stared blankly at him. When they took a step closer, he groaned, "Fine fine. I'll get down."

With a huff and a puff, Sayeed jumped down the reception desk with a gymnastics grace and rushed towards me.

"Congratulations, Jenna habibi!"

I blink to hide my surprise as he pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. My bodyguards inch forward likely to pull him away but I hold up a hand to let them know it's fine.

When the arab boy finally decides to let go, I arch an eyebrow at him, "Are you high?"

"High on optimism? Always." Sayeed does an elaborate bow that has my other employees chuckling.

Shaking my head despite the amusement, I turn around to head towards the elevator wing that leads up to my office on the top floor, "Get back to work, everyone. The charts will not rise on its own."

I ignore the collective groans and sighs, stalking my way through the sleek, shiny marble floors upto the elevator. My bodyguard's accompanying heavy steps behind the click-clack of my chanel heels are a comforting sound of assurance.

I remember a time when I worried every minute of my day, looking over my shoulder in paranoia for a face painted in white, a red smile over lips that stretched to his cheeks, clad in a clown's attire, following me with his hippy steps and chilly voice. My psychologist said I'd made him up but I knew I hadn't. I knew it was real. He was real as the day-

"Wallah habibi, wait!" Sayeed's hurried pounding footsteps follow us as the elevator doors slide open.

Sayeed gets in beside me, the bodyguards stoically standing near the closing elevator door.

"What's todays report, Sayeed?" I ask, pulling out my phone from my Christian Dior purse.

All traces of nonchalance vanishes my secretary as he gets into work mode, tightening his tie, "Ofcourse, the highlight is our shares rocketing from our long-term rivals, Vitallis group. Which, by the way, has gained so much attention that vogue London wants to interview you on your 'successful victory' for their next month's best businesswoman in London edition. You'll be on the front cover with the crown prince, habibi! Lykas Vitallis might be planning your murder right now." He grins wickedly.

My own lips twitch.

Ryson Group and Vitallis Group had been at it with our rivalry like cat and mouse for years now. But with my inclusion of a South Korean fashion influenced clothing line into my business, the profits have richocheted. Guess everyone likes Korea these days. Good, more money for me.

Besides, this change in share market charts is sure to give Lykas Vitallis a stroke. Serves about right.

"Secondly, there are some crisis going on in your New York branch. You need to pay a visit there, get them in line. It's been two years since you last showed your face there. John is lagging in his lookover and some of our inside company spies claim he's been pocketing company profits for his own by ensuing secret pre-order dealings with our clients before the products are even introduced in the market. If the other rival companies get a whiff on the products before we release news about it, we might face loss or worse yet, a situation of stolen designs. It's a high risk."

"Let John know he's fired. Get Siya to change the lookover CEO of the branch. He breached the confidentiality agreement by exposing the products in the market before allowed to. There's no time for incompetence in my company. And I cant go there yet while there are matters here to handle." I state calmly, opening the lock on my phone.

Sayeed stays quiet for a while as if contemplating before he nods vigorously, "Sure, I'll inform Siya to appoint a new candidate. Now next, Paris branch researchers suggest a collaboration with fashion influencers for the next month edition of our latest clothing line."

"Give them my agreement about it and tell them to start the process."

"Done." He notes down on his phone, "Lastly, this is personal. But I need a leave . . ."

Sayeed's words drown in the background as my eyes narrow on my phone. A frown grows between my brows the moment I see about fifty texts from Martha, my father's housekeeper. Also an old confidante of mine.

Pushing away any dreadful thoughts, I open her texts. A subdued numbness slithers up my spine as I focus on the main context of the message between her innumerable panic texts.

Martha : Mia is critical.

Martha : Your father called the best surgeon to perform surgery at the villa.

Martha : The doctors said her condition worsened suddenly. Your father is panicking.

Martha : She's in surgery. We don't know what will happen.

My heart drums in my ribcage, a ringing buzzing in my ears. The grip on my phone loosens drastically as the phone slides to the elevator floor.

Sayeed stops abruptly in his report, concerned eyes snapping to mine as my bodyguards steal a glance between me and my phone searching for a threat.

"Jenna-" Sayeed begins only to be cut off.

"Get the jet ready." Running my hands through my hair to compose my demeanor, I state icily, "We're going to New York."

Davidson Villa. Twelve years later, it's time I finally pay an unwilling visit.


Who's Mia? What's wrong with her?

This book will be written in Dual Person POV, so next chapter is going to be in Lykas Vitallis' POV👀

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