25 | 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚞𝚣𝚣𝚒 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚢

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☘︎ Lʏᴋᴀs Vɪᴛᴀʟʟɪs ☘︎

"What are you supposed to do if you pissed off someone?" I fire away the instant the call connects.

"If they're pissed, they're an obvious threat. So I kill them." The voice of my best friend from the other line is calm and collected, as if speaking of the daily weather. If it was anyone else, I would've called their bluff. But it's the Italian Mafia we're talking about. Killing people is Romeo Valentino's morning routine.

I can almost picture him sitting behind the hardwood desk in his medieval-themed study, a bookshelf full of strategy books towering over him while he watches in complete boredom as his under-men cut down someone. I shuder at the image.

"I cannot go around killing people like you. I definitely don't want to kill her. How do I make amends?" I make it clear so that he doesn't start demonstrating hundred ways to kill a human being.

"Her, huh?" It isn't as much prying as it is observant, "I would remind you, you're an idiot for pissing her off in the first place."

I roll my eyes, pacing the length of my room aka Jennifer's house's guest room like a restless feline, "Look dude, I didn't call you to insult me. I know I'm an idiot. I should've told her about it beforehand but I chickened out, okay? I just want her to talk to me again."

"Right. You called me at 2 AM in New York time to ask for relationship advice." The no-emotion tone of his voice doesn't even make that sound like sarcasm.

"Geez, bro! Just give me the solution!" I whine, shrugging off my shoes and yeeting them across the room with my foot. The shoes hit a wall, then slide down to the floor in a proper condition. I frown at it. Really? It couldn't even end up upside-down the way my heart feels right now?

"What do I even know about making amends? My fiancee ran away." He states nonchalantly.

I pause, "Wait, when the fuck did you even get engaged? You didn't even invite me!"

"Don't worry. Unlike your 'surprise' engagement that I wasn't invited for either, mine turned into a bloodbath. You probably would've ended in a dead carcass if you attended. Like the rest of my family." A coldness seeps into his blank tone.

My trek comes to an abrupt halt, shock and concern clinging at me for my friend, "What? Your family is dead?"

"Tell her the truth and appologize sincerely." Then he cuts the call, leaving me with wide eyes and no answer to my previous question.

I try to call again, but he never picks up.


Because in the time I've stayed around her I've come to know she has insomnia and doesn't really sleep at night, I'm not surprised when I find Jennifer in the jacuzzi tub at the terrace, surrounded by fluorescent blue lights and sunk neck-deep in the bubble water.

With her head tilted back on the edge of the tub, strands of hair stick to the side of her face while the rest of the lengthy locks float above the water. Her bare arms are resting on the tiled edge, those greenest green eyes closed and long lashes casting shadows down her face.

If Jennifer was a flower, she'd have been Gladiolus or Astrantia. Flowers that represent courage and fierceness, flowers that are unsually beautiful. I don't know how long I just stand there, staring at her, wondering whether she's real or just a fragment of my imagination.

It isn't until her brows furrow as if realizing she isn't alone anymore and she opens those gorgeous gorgeous eyes to look over her shoulder, do I snap out of my haze. Jennifer's eyes narrow into icy slits when she notices it's me and I feel a nip at the organ beating inside of my chest.

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