26 | 𝚄𝚗𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚗𝚢

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----- A - W E E K - L A T E R -----

☘︎ Jᴇɴɴɪғᴇʀ Rʏsᴏɴ ☘︎

By the end of another week, my hallucinations grow crazier.

The sightings of the clown turn to a level where I see him everywhere-those cynical eyes tracing my each move, that eerie smile plaguing my vision and his presence following me like a shadow.

No one else can see him except me.

It started a week ago. Right after the night of the clown's sighting in the jacuzzi area, which-when Lykas checked the place-turns out there was no one in the entire mansion except us. In a stunned silence I'd gotten out of the pool and pulled on a robe, while Lykas glanced everywhere but my very naked self covering my body. I'd left him in a state of a flustered mess and if it weren't for my head trying to wrap around the fact that I was loosing it, I'd have actually stood back and admired the sight.

Then the next night when I'd entered my room, there was low music playing. The lyrics of Hide & Seek echoing like a haunting melody, reminding me of the clown singing the exact same song in his eerie voice. I'd checked the radio player in my room and when it showed turned off while I still heard the creepy lullaby, the panic that had seized my skin had stopped me from thinking straight. Before I knew it, I was walking across the hallway and knocking at Lykas' door.

He'd answered right away, half-naked and looking intoxicatingly disoriented with sweat-pants hanging low on his hips, hair rumpled and eyes half-lidded with sleep. For a moment, I'd forgotten what I was even panicked about.

Until all traces of sleep left Lykas at the sight of me, reminding me of the music. Whatever he saw on my face had his eyebrows pinching together in concern. It had come out as a complete surprise when he'd pulled me into the warmth of his embrace, his large arms wrapped around my form giving a sense of safety. It wasn't until then I realized I was trembling.

"It's the clown again?" His gentle touch caressing the length of my hair was soothing. He was warm. So warm.

I'd nodded against his bare chest, my cheek involuntarily leaning into the hardness of his body, "There's music playing in my room. The song the clown used to sing when he kept us in the warehouse."

Lykas' stature had freezed wholly at that, his arms wrapping tighter, pulling me closer even when my hands remained hanging at my sides, "I'll go check. You stay here, okay?"

Despite his protests, I'd followed him along after giving him a dark scowl for trying to keep me out of the situation. I could handle myself just fine. But he'd grabbed my hand possessively like a caveman, giving it a gentle squeeze of assurance. I didn't tell him it made me feel a lot better.

When we'd gotten to my room, there was dead silence, like the song wasn't even playing to begin with.

My hand slipping out of Lykas' hold, the hollowness that had entered my bloodstream at the possibility of me making-up the clown in my fucked-up mind, must've showed on my face when I said, "I must've imagined it like yesterday in the jacuzzi. It's been happening for a week now. I just. . .I don't know what to believe."

Lykas had cupped my face with large, warm palms and conveyed, "I believe you, even if anyone doesn't. Even if you don't believe yourself. I'm sure you're not hallucinating. There has to be something wrong. Someone must've broke in. We'll ask the security."

We did ask the security, checked the cameras for any suspicious intruding and went as far as asking my bodyguards whether they'd sensed anyone following me the past few days. The head of security, Nathaniel, did seem a bit nervous for an army-trained bodyguard when he answered but they'd all concluded the same thing; There's no one following me. It was my mind playing tricks on me.

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