4 | 𝙱𝚊𝚗𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝙼𝚢 𝙴𝚡𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎

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☘︎ Lʏᴋᴀs Vɪᴛᴀʟʟɪs ☘︎

If I was a better man, I'd have held onto my sense of decorum and not provoked her.

But I never claimed to be good.

There was something about Jennifer Ryson that got under my skin. She'd always been my competition, my damnable business rival. The cause of my father's endless comparison and taunts, the reason of the pressure that kept pulling me down with it's viperous arms. She was the bane of my existence.

So Imagine my disbelief when I stumble upon the said bane of existence at one place I was hopeful I'd have the least chances of ever meeting her.

All five-feet-six-inches of Jennifer Ryson's form greets me, dressed in a lavender suit with her brunette hair let loose around her shapely face without a single strand askew as if she'd just walked out of a business meeting.

When those vivid eyes of hers narrow at me in perplexed annoyance as if I were the one bothering her, it ticks me off.

Hers are the greenest eyes I've ever seen. Cliche as it sounds, they remind me of a forest after it's rained. Wild and untamed, yet oddly refreshing. Something about it had always felt so familiar even if I couldn't quite fathom why.

Scoffing internally for even noticing the precise colour of her eyes more than I should be, a mocking smirk tugs at my lips.

"Well well, if it isn't Jennifer Ryson," My voice is a lazy, careless drawl as I stay leaning against the doorframe.

Jennifer gets up from her spot beside Mia on the bed, her steps stalking upto me, "What are you doing here?"

A rueful smile stretches on my face, "I could ask the same."

Her expression turns thunderous, "If this is some sort of twisted stunt you're pulling to get back at me for the share charts-"

"You really think you're that important that I would go out of my way to bother you here, seas apart in New York, just to 'get back at you'?" Crossing my arms, I raise a brow, acting the picture of complete nonchalance as if I weren't seething inside.

"As if you haven't done that before." She scoffs.

Glaring at her, I grit out, "You're deluding yourself if you think I was trailing you that day. I was just in the same place at the wrong time."

It was true, atleast partly.

I had been in Africa when I'd spotted Jennifer walk out of the wildlife adoption home with a lion cub in her arms and her myriad of bodyguards trailing behind her. As for the reason why I'd stayed at the same three-day charity event she had volunteered for after that, when I had no plans of even visiting the said event, it was a completely different scenario.

For all she knew, we'd been at each other's throats throughout the entire event because both our companies had a similar new product release in a few days. We were at the event for speaking to willing sponsors, who had a cherry on cake opportunity to decide and nitpick which company they wished to sponsor with, since both the company heads were at the same place.

She thought I'd 'trailed her' to mess with her sponsoring deals on purpose to 'get back at her' for releasing a similar product to Vitallis Group. It wasn't even true. And hell if I would ever tell her the truth why I'd actually stayed back. She could think whatever she wished.

"Oh, really? Last I heard you were a 'sudden' volunteer for the program." Jennifer raises her own brow in retaliation.

I straighten from where I'd been leaning against the doorframe, a smug glint in my eyes, "Keeping tabs on me, are you now, Ryson?"

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